A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


School TV Resource for Families

School TV is a valuable resource for families especially when events occur which may be stressful for young children as it gives parents practical ideas on how to discuss the issues in a child friendly way. The ongoing challenges of COVID, extreme weather conditions for many parts of our country and the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine are all topics in the media which children may need help with processing. I recommend you spend time looking at the School TV website particularly in the Special Reports Section.


An example is ‘The Conflict in Ukraine’  View the 5 minute Video 

“Despite the peacekeeping attempts, the conflict in the Ukraine continues to escalate with many refugees fleeing the country to escape the violent attacks by Russian troops. People around the world are saddened and devastated by the events that are unfolding. Both adults and young people are feeling the stresses of war from afar as they experience fear, frustration and helplessness.


Many children have questions about what is happening as they have most likely been exposed to upsetting images on the news or social media. There is strong evidence to suggest that having a supportive discussion about a stressful event can actually decrease distress. Therefore it is important for parents and caregivers to combat any misinformation and ensure they provide reliable information from reputable sources. Children need to know that they are taken seriously. So it is recommended that you don’t avoid the difficult questions. Ensure you address their questions honestly, sensitively and in a developmentally appropriate way.


Worry about the war in Ukraine is not all bad. It can mean that your child has empathy, which can even be productive. However, with less life experience than adults, young people may need help navigating news about the crisis. It is an opportunity for adults to model compassion towards others, regardless of distance or circumstance. Be guided by your child’s curiosity and conscious of not exposing them to the 24 hour news cycle.”

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg


I would like to acknowledge the Catholic Schools Office for subscribing to this resource for our school.


ART Competition

Many entries have been received for our Annual Art Competition and Mrs Hofman will put them on display in our library this week. Thank you for supporting your child in this activity. Parents will be able to look at the entries next Thursday 7th of April from 2-2:30pm. Don't forget the Hot Cross Buns will need to be collected between 9 and 9:30am or just before the Easter Hat Parade and drawing of the raffle at 2:30pm.


School Cross Country

Our school Cross Country set down for tomorrow has been postponed until next Wednesday 6th April (weather permitting).


Have a wonderful week

Stay safe and well

Pauline Long
