Cranbourne Campus News

Rust never sleeps

From the title of Neil Young's 1979 album with the band Crazy House, the phrase " rust never sleeps" is a foreboding statement to remind us that negativity and evil has the potential to eat away at the fabric of an organisation if it is allowed to go unchecked. While slow and almost out of sight, it has the potential to slowly eat away all that is good.

In a school, just as in society, the same can be seen when we allow what, on the surface, appear to be quite minor infractions to build up without calling them to account. Snide comments about a person's appearance, their cultural background, their religious beliefs, their willingness to try hard in class, how they self identify, their weight, hair colour, … the list could go on;  the smallest looks across the room delivered with a spiteful heart, the sarcastic laugh in class, vile and personally targeted graffiti on bathroom walls, all have the potential to belittle others and try to make them feel inferior. These are examples of the very rust that will bring down all that is good about St Peters .. IF  we let it go unchecked.

The Harmony Day theme for 2022 is Everyone Belongs. A message that cannot be misconstrued. In the assembly presentations of our student leaders on Tuesday,  there was a constant message coming through that we each have a role to play in bringing about harmony at St Peters, in our homes and in the wider Community. The joy, enthusiasm and celebration of Harmony Day can be seen in the faces of those whose photos are below but the real measure of a successful Harmony Day is that when any one student, teacher or parent sees or hears the 'rust' of intolerance or negativity, they judge it and act upon it swiftly, leading to a culture  at St Peters of inclusion and connection, where each person truly feels that they belong. We cannot let rust eat away at our foundations.

New Traffic Management measures with the opening of the Admin Building over Easter

The new administration building of the east end of the campus is close to completion. This administration building will host our College reception and the offices of the Administration and Leadership teams of the College. With the Admin building opening up, there will be some new processes and procedures for staff, students and parents to get used to.  We understand that this may take time to adjust to and we thank you for your ongoing patience while we seek to remodel School buildings.

Some notable points for parents about Traffic flow

  • Vehicle access for 'drop off' or 'pick up' of students, will continue to be via Navarre Drive
  • Mechanical gates will be installed at the Frankston Cranbourne Rd College entry however.. . .
    • these will not be operational for any members of the community until approximately mid May
    • Parent vehicle access through the Frankston Cranbourne Rd entry is reserved for the following cases only
      • late arrivals to school after 10am, 
      • early departures before 2:15pm (only if pre arranged through student reception) and 
      • where a sick or injured student is being collected from the first Aid area (only if pre arranged through student reception)

Some parents may choose to drop students off at the Amstel Car park and they can then cross the road to the main pedestrian entrance. If students choose to enter this way, they must do so safely and by obeying road rules. 

These Traffic management measures are necessary to keep students and pedestrians safe.

A letter further explaining this will be sent to families next week as the Admin Building nears completion.

Winter Uniform Change Over

Students will have the first two weeks of Team 2 to be able to choose between wearing the full summer uniform or winter uniform (but not a combination of the two uniforms.) Can I take the opportunity to remind families that the Uniform Rules of the College indicate that students must wear their blazer to and from school and on special occasions such as College assemblies.


Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus