Our Community

Cover image: The Friends’ School participated in the 2022 Cancer Council Relay for Life

Thoughts for the war in Ukraine

War again is being brought to the forefront. It seems like there has been major conflict in the world nearly continuously for the past many decades. This time it is in Europe. Below is The Religious Society of Friends’ Peace Testimony. It is the earliest of the written testimonies for Quakers, developed at a time when wars were often just for personal aggrandisement of the King. Early Quakerism is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus, and putting into action those teachings, as difficult as they may be. I hope you have time to read it and reflect upon it.  Our thoughts with the people of Ukraine and the brave Russians protesting against conflict and war.



"We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretence whatsoever; and this is our testimony to the whole world. The spirit of Christ, by which we are guided, is not changeable, so as once to command us from a thing as evil and again to move unto it; and we do certainly know, and so testify to the world, that the spirit of Christ, which leads us into all Truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of this world."


Principal Nelson File

2022 Cancer Council Relay for Life

By Lily Neyland, Year 12 student

Images by Bill Avery, Gabrielle Balon, Lily Neyland, Simone Summers and Cancer Council Tasmania.


Over the weekend of the 26th and 27th of March, The Friends’ School participated in the 2022 Relay for Life. Friends’ has been involved with Relay for Life for many years now, and this year’s event was just as fun and memorable as previous years! It was a great weekend of celebration, remembrance and fun, and everyone who joined us had both an exciting and moving experience. The collective community spirit that is felt at events like Relay is unique, and it was no less spirited this year, despite COVID restrictions leaving numbers slightly lower than usual. The various fundraising efforts that led up to the event (casual clothes days, bake sales and individual fundraising) were very successful, and as of the 11th of April, the school team ‘Friendlies 2022’ had raised $13,345! While team members could not stay overnight this year, the students and staff who were there from 1-11 pm on Saturday, and 6-9 am on Sunday thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 


Relay for Life events focus on celebrating, remembering, and fighting back. There are three ceremonies held during the event to represent these three themes; the Opening Ceremony & Survivors and Carers Lap, the Luminary Ceremony & lap of remembrance, and the Closing Ceremony & final lap. This year, Friends' was invited to host the Luminary Ceremony. This was a unique opportunity that allowed members of the school community to come together and plan a ceremony that holds great significance within the broader Relay community, as it provides a chance for everyone at the event to remember those who they have lost to cancer, and to celebrate those who have survived their cancer journey. The decision was made to base it around the six quaker testimonies - simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and earthcare. Members of the Friends’ community spoke about people they knew that had been affected by cancer who showed those values in their daily lives, and candles were lit to represent these people. Throughout the day, people at the relay were invited to write on teddy-bear shaped pieces of card.These were then tied to wire A-frames, and placed on the stage during the ceremony to represent the community of people being remembered. Overall, it was a lovely ceremony, and the organising group received many lovely compliments over the course of the rest of the event. 


The money we have raised will be able to fund cancer research and support for those undergoing treatment, both of which are crucial in our ongoing battle against this horrible disease. A big thank you to Simone Summers and Greg Downes who coordinated the school team, and to everyone that participated! Another big thank you to everyone who supported us as a team, be it before, during or after the event. We could not have had such a fun event or reached such a high fundraising total without the generous support of family, friends and other members of the community. 

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Summary

By Tracie Acreman, Chair of the Working Party

Pictured above: Friends' Early Learning Rose Room children touching their heart during Acknowledgement to Country.


The Friends’ School voices a strong commitment to peace and reconciliation. Through our Purpose and Concerns, and every day across the school, we ask our students and community to advocate for a world where peace, justice and equality are available to all people. We recognise the palawa people as the Traditional Owners and ongoing custodians of the land, waterways, coastlines, seas and skies of this place, lutruwita (Tasmania). Reconciliation with First Nations peoples is a shared journey to promote “… healing, truth-telling and unity for all under the pillars of Voice, Treaty and Truth” (Reconciliation Tasmania 2014). The Friends’ School Reconciliation Action Plan Working Party has been established with the goal of developing and publishing our school’s Reconciliation Action Plan, or RAP.


Read the RAP summary here

Pictured above: Friends' Early Learning children, Lucette and Vinne, exploring Aboriginal symbols.

Clean Up Australia Day at Morris

Harry and Flossie
Harry and Flossie

Students from Kindergarten to Year 6, donned gloves and worked their way around the Argyle Street campus, collecting rubbish for Clean Up Australia Day. Special thanks to Harry and Flossie from class 3M for leading this environmental initiative.

Lifeline Tasmania and the Vinnies Flood Appeal Fundraiser

Years 11 and 12 students from Tutor Group C3 held a fundraiser during Term 1, raising money for Lifeline Tasmania and the Vinnies Flood Appeal. From the sales of ice creams and spiders during lunchtime, a total of $223 was raised for these great causes.