Walker House

Cover image: Boarders rock climbing at Rock It

Walker House Update

By Matt Dixon, Director of Student Residence - Walker House

Rock Climbing at ‘Rock It'
Rock Climbing at ‘Rock It'
Rock Climbing at ‘Rock It'
Rock Climbing at ‘Rock It'

The start of 2022 has been a busy and fulfilling time in Walker House. I  would like to congratulate every person in the Walker House Community. Although the risks of COVID still exist, we continue to run the house as home-like as possible. Students have taken great responsibility and maintained diligence in protecting the health and safety of each other, while remembering to sanitise and wear a mask.

Day 1 for 2022
First Day of School
Day 1 for 2022
First Day of School

As the Director of Boarding, the start of the year is always an exciting time as I get to witness the new and returning boarders build and strengthen relationships as they spend time in the house together. I am aware that starting boarding for the first time can be a challenging time, but I can happily report they are all doing an amazing job.

Beach days
Beau’s Birthday Celebration
Walker House Basketball FUN!!!
Twister Fun
Beach days
Beau’s Birthday Celebration
Walker House Basketball FUN!!!
Twister Fun

This term we have celebrated a number of birthdays and enjoyed a fun games night together and had multiple trips to the beach after school and other great excursions on the weekends such as mountain walks, rock climbing and ice-cream outings. A number of boarding students also helped pack 4,000 individual Rapid Antigen Test kits that were sent home to the wider school community showing great service for the school.

Pictured above: RAT production line