Parents, Teachers & Friends and School Advisory Council 

PT&F Committee                                                School Advisory Council Members

President - Clare Lee                                           Fr Kingsley, Pauline Long, Wendy Rheinberger

Vice President - Rachel Coward                      David Lee, Jason Allan, Robyn Wilson

Secretary – Marnie Jamieson                           Kate Dillon, Vicki Purcell, Kate Thompson    

Treasurer – Jenni Hird 

Fundraising - Michelle Cortis

School Advisory Rep - Kate Thompson


May Meeting - Zoom

The next meeting of the PT&F will be held this Wednesday evening at 6pm via Zoom.  Please find the link for the meeting here


March Meeting

Please find the meeting minutes here


Easter Raffle 

The Easter raffle and hat parade were a wonderful success with many lovely prizes being distributed to students, staff and families. First prize went to Abbie Coghill and all up 35 prizes were handed out.  Thank you for Rachel Coward for coordinating this event for the PT&F. We will be able to advertise the profit for this event when our fantastic treasurer presents her report. 


Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser 

Wow, we had so many hot cross buns to hand out this year, it is sure to have been a wonderful success.  We will let you know in an upcoming newsletter, the amount that was raised towards our kitchen garden.  Thank you to Kate Dillon and Michelle Cortis for coordinating this delicious offering.