WOW! What a start to Term 2 we have had. The unseasonably warm and sunny weather has allowed us to have some fantastic experiences on our return to school after the break. 


We held our Anzac Day assembly in person (so exciting!) with the support of Korumburra RSL members.  The RSL ran the ANZAC service for students and provided a live musician to play The Last Post and Reveille. We thank them very much for their continuing support each year when we commemorate this important day.


Our 2022 Year 7 students received their school ‘wings’ from the Year 12 students, becoming our youngest Korumburra Secondary College alumni. We wish them all every success with their ongoing education.


The Korumburra Lions Club also joined us at our recent assembly to recognise the ongoing outstanding all-round achievements of a number of students.  The generous scholarships provided by the Lions Club to these students are appreciated.  We would also like to thank them for their photographic talents during this assembly.  


Photos of the assembly on the following page.


Our Year 11 and 12 students have been down to the city for a Careers Expo, which they raved about, receiving lots of handy information for planning their futures. Science classes across all year levels have been busy dissecting brains and eyes, experimenting with some rockets, along with looking at sublimation.


The whole school cross country came around with spectacular weather and those who love a long-distance run showed off their expert skills, achieving some great times around a new course.


As you are aware, sections of our school that are currently closed off for building works. These works are running on schedule at this time and providing lots of viewing experiences for our staff and students. These last few weeks have seen further concrete slabs go in, along with steel framing for the first building beginning to go up.  The administration building has been completely emptied and the new refit being undertaken quite quickly.  Students have adjusted well to the restricted areas in the yard due to building works and heavy machinery on-site. We are very grateful to our students for their patience and understanding regarding any impacts this has across their day.


Over the coming weeks we have so much more to look forward to.  We are looking forward to welcoming future students at our upcoming INFORMATION NIGHT for Grade 5 and 6 students on TUESDAY, MAY 10 2022 at 6:15pm.  This is always an informative fun night, with lots of interactive activities and tasty treats.


Our Year 7 and 9 students will be undertaking NAPLAN in the coming two weeks, and we wish them every success in completing these standardised assessments.  The new format of online completion is bound to be more accessible for all students.


We have many of our sport teams going out next week and wish them the best of luck. Coming up are also hikes for outdoor ed, art gallery visits, the Year 10 Jewish holocaust museum experience and the Interschool Cross Country.  A packed Term 2 calendar, so please keep an eye on your announcements through email and on Compass Events.


This coming Monday 9th May are our Student 360s and Mentor teachers will be spending time with every student discussing how their year has gone so far, along with setting some goals for future learning.  We appreciate those families who take the time to attend the 360s with their children and look forward to seeing you online then.


Wishing our students, parents and extended community a lovely few weeks ahead.


John Wilson
Rebecca Anthony
John Wilson
Rebecca Anthony

Acting Principal - John Wilson

Acting Assistant Principal  -  Rebecca Anthony