Schoolwide Positive Behaviour  

‘The Koonung community works together to establish an environment which develops respectful and resilient learners. We value excellence, endeavour, creativity, collaboration, respect and resilience.’


Koonung is  one of over 400 schools in Victoria using Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) to manage student  behaviour and to acknowledge and promote student positive behaviours. It’s our whole school expected student behaviour guide that is followed by all staff and students. At KSC our SWPBS approach is underpinned by our school values and all staff and students are regularly referred to the below expected behaviour guides. 

In Term 1 to date, we have seen close to 600 positive chronical entries on compass to acknowledge the fantastic displays of our school values from our students. Some examples of behaviours that have seen students awarded a positive chronical entry include; 

  • Collaboration: Assisting or coaching a peer/classmate to further develop their skills in a particular area.
  • Creativity: Utilising creative or innovative strategies to complete a task or solve a problem. 
  • Endeavour: Stepping outside your comfort zone to learn a new skill and providing your best effort whilst accepting and implementing feedback.
  • Excellence: Actively and consistently contributing to class discussions in a meaningful way.
  • Respect: Showing respect for our school environment by picking up rubbish and putting it in the bin. 
  • Resilience: Persisting with a task or skill despite experiencing challenges along the way.

Will Emerson

Learning Specialist - Positive climate for learning



School Wide Positive Behaviours Awards

It has been fantastic to see so many of our Middle School students applying themselves to their classes and schoolwork and going above and beyond. In the recent Year Level Assemblies, the Coordinators recognised the students who had received five positive SWPBS posts. Well done to all!

Mat Delaney 

Director of Learning: Middle School