
Year 10 Creating with Food
Our Year 10s are continuing to investigate the functional properties of food. Last week they looked at coagulation and emulsification.
Coagulation is when something thickens from a liquid to a solid. For example, raw eggs are clear and runny but become white and solid when heated.
Emulsification is a scientific process in which two unmixable liquids are mixed together in a way that makes them stay mixed. Mayonnaise is a perfect example of emulsion.
The students below made delicious eggs benedict. Their ability to time all elements to make hollandaise sauce from scratch was impressive.
Design Brief
Working through the design process is a key skill we focus on in the technology domain. Students are required to create their own design brief and write an original recipe. Our Year 10 Creating with Food classes, completed their production this week. They now move on to evaluating their product and how successfully they met their brief. Well done Year 10!
Anna Buzzi
Food Technology Teacher