
Community Mass

All families, whether new or old, Primary or Secondary, are welcome to our joyful weekly liturgy. Nest Friday the Mass will be prepared by students in Year 9. After Mass, the fellowship continues in the Circle of Friends Café.


Community Mass details

  • College Chapel
  • Fridays in term time
  • Starts: 8:00am and concludes 8:30am

Good News for Season of Creation


‘A follower of Christ must take up the cross’ 
Mark 8:27-350


Nick Brodie is an Australian historian and writer. He is the author of several books on Australian history, and he has written multiple essays and articles on aspects of European, Australasian, and global history for various Australian and international publications and presses. 


After Jesus spoke of a future involving personal suffering and political rejection Peter remonstrated with him. Jesus in turn rebuked Peter, explaining that such thinking was not of God. Much of the import of this short exchange seems to hinge on the openness of Jesus’ assertions. Peter reacted not only to what Jesus said but the way he said it. Jesus’ warnings were not given in secret but declared openly.


It is rather understandable that Peter was worried. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would attract unwanted attention from the authorities, or that his gloomy talk would put off potential followers. Either way, Jesus was having none of it. The truth, however dangerous or unpopular, should not be hidden.


Hearing this Gospel during the Season of Creation we might contemplate what truths get hushed up today. Do we encourage our leaders to speak openly about pollution and climate change, or do we collude in their silences? Does our society condemn or condone littering? Are our parishes in environmental denial, or models of sustainability and ecological responsibility? Ultimately, facing even the darkest future with hopeful action is a key part of Jesus’ message. Christ’s followers are called to bear their share of the cross and face tomorrow’s problems today. 


© Nick Brodie


Cry of the earth, cry of the poor

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Office has released the 2021-2022 statement, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor. focused on ecological conversion. It is an invitation to respond to Pope Francis’ call  towards total ecological sustainability. The 20-page statement is illustrated and very readable.