Catholic Identity

Sacramental Masses - Weekend 1
On the weekend of Saturday, 14th and Sunday, 15th of August, our first three groups of Sacramental students made their Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion.
All three ceremonies were very special, with all of the students involved from St Brendan’s looking very proud, dressed in their formal attire and their Sacramental stole. Father Joe was particularly impressed with their commitment to completing their Sacraments of Initiation remotely and commended their families and parents for encouraging and supporting the children during their preparation and commitment to making these two very special Sacraments.
Father Joe was commissioned by Bishop Shane to administer these two very special Sacraments and was assisted by Father Rob Galea and our newest priest, Father Adi.
In my role as the Catholic Identity Leader of St Brendan’s, it was an honour and delight to be involved and present at all three Masses. We look forward to returning back to our outstanding scheduled Masses as soon as restrictions are lifted. Students and families who are still waiting to complete their sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion will be notified via e-mail from Laura O’Sullivan (St Brendan’s Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator) who has been in charge of all the preparation and organisation for these Sacraments.
Congratulations to the following students who have now received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion:
Vincent Bungay
Alfred Buniel
Shelby Kapperer
Patrick Segrave
Ethon Sheard
Ella Mills
Tayden Clark
Wyatt Carlson
Daisy Diffey
Isabelle Foster
Lily Giuliani
Lola Hoare
Ruby Hoare
Eva Kyriakou
Isabelle Pensak
Imogen Sargeant
Ivy Stevens
We continue to pray for the following students who are still waiting to make their Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion.
Harman Kellett
Scarlett Kelly
Jude Macgill
Isabelle McCormack
Alexander Watkins
Heath Watkins
Priscilla Care
Koby Charles
Rhiannon Charles
Edward Freeman
Isabelle Kenny
William Kenny
Anabelle Ralston
Georgia Ralston
Siraya Sciuto
Dynielle Selerio
Jasmine Chol
Waad Chol
Levi Collie
Domenique Formica
Jacob Hunter
Maria Johnson
Angela Kitungano
Eliza Wall