A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
I hope you are all going well during these challenging times. Thank you for your understanding and lovely words of support for the work the teachers are doing.
I have forwarded emails on to staff and they were very grateful.
It's great to see the children in Google Meet. I have attended a few classes and will continue to join others. The children are so excited to see their teacher and classmates.
For those children that haven't been on Google Meet, their teachers would love to see them and also to accept into google classrooms to access the work. Well done to the children that are doing the work and the teachers are able to comment on it.
Today, I was asked to give all staff, student, parents names and address and mobile numbers to the Department of Health. The Department then will be able to contact you with information eg, when to get tested etc.
The STOP and Stay order is still in place and about a third of Shepparton are under this order. I understand the frustration but we need to stop the spread so we can get back to our workplaces and children back in school.
As I have mentioned in emails and on the app, if I receive any news, I will let you know as soon as possible.
Look after yourselves, we will all get through this together.
Take care,