P & F News 



Hello families and friends of St. Fidelis, the P&F Committee are hoping that you are all hoping well during the current lockdown. We understand that these times have been full of uncertainty and as you’re aware have resulted in multiple school events and activities being rescheduled or cancelled. For this we are sorry, and like many of you, disappointed. 

However, rest assured that the P&F committee are still in regular communication, planning and looking forward to providing our wonderful school community with events and activities as soon as we are given the go ahead! Please take care, stay safe and we hope to see you all soon.

Upcoming Events – Term 3

*Please note dates may be subject to change due to pandemic restrictions.

Father’s Day Stall – CANCELLED

Father’s Day Breakfast – CANCELLED

Trivia Night – Postponed until Saturday 13th November

Tony’s Pie Drive

I’m sure many of you, like me, spent last Wednesday night indulging in freshly baked, delicious pastries! This drive was successful to say the least and generated a nice boost of funds that will go towards continued school improvements and resources. Thank you to all the families and staff that purchased products in this drive, your support does not go unnoticed.

Father’s Day Events 2021

It is with great disappointment that we need to announce that the Father’s Day Stall, alongside the Father’s Day Breakfast has been cancelled. As noted earlier, the current restrictions have made planning these events unsuccessful. We hope that regardless of this information each family will celebrate Father’s Day in their own special way and that next year we can plan for a bigger and better celebration.

Thank you for your understanding.

Trivia Night

Due to the uncertainty of the current COVID-19 restrictions the P&F have made the decision to postpone our annual Trivia Night. FEAR NOT! This event will still take place and is set to occur on Saturday 13th November. Closer to the date further information will be sent to families regarding table bookings, cost and what to bring. In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE! We are really looking forward to sharing this evening with you 😊


THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Our next P&F meeting is scheduled for 15th September. You are welcome to join us, please contact me (details below) if you intend on doing so.

In the meantime, if you have any ideas to assist us with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO    -    0421 076 580   parentsandfriends.stfidelis@gmail.com