Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

This term in the kitchen

This term through Inquiry the children in Grade 3/4 are learning about Africa and South America.  As they explore the differences of the landscapes and cultures in the classroom, our cooking sessions will discover the culinary delights of these countries.


For the first 4 weeks week will travel throughout Africa as we discover new tastes both traditional and modern.


The second half of the term will be dedicated to the tastes of South America. Both cuisines are very distinct and quite different from each other.


Our first session saw us travel to the top of Africa as we investigated Morocco, a country where spices are a staple ingredient in most foods. Each week in the newsletter we will post a copy of the recipes for you to try at home.

Recipes from the kitchen 

Market This Week

Mudbrick Cafe

The final Mudbrick Cafe for the year will be on Wednesday 30th October.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the cafe throughout the year.