Office Reminders

Book Club Orders

Book Club brochures will be sent out this week. Please place orders by Tuesday 22nd October via the following link:


This is a bumper Christmas edition filled with lots of gift ideas.  If you are wanting books for gifts, please use the Loop Gift Function and orders will be given directly to parents. 

Don Wallace Reserve Physical Education Sessions

Year 3 to 6 students are planning to walk to Don Wallace Reserve on the following two days to play cricket and tennis. 


Wednesday 23rd October

Wednesday 30th October


Please return the permission form to teachers by Thursday 17th October.  There is no cost for these sessions. A copy of the permission form is available below. Alternatively, please email your child's teacher notifying them of your intentions for collection of your child on these days.


Sunsmart from September 1

It's that time of year again and as part of our school's Sunsmart Policy, hats are required to be worn from the start of September. Please ensure your child brings their hat to school (and it is clearly labelled with their name). The school does not have spare hats on hand if students forget to bring their own. The 'no hat, no play' policy is now in place. 

2020 Enrolment Documentation

Please return completed enrolment forms and associated documentation to the office as soon as possible so that we can process your application and confirm acceptance. 


To download enrolment forms and the checklist, please click on the below link to the Enrolment Information Booklet.


If your child is absent and you have not made contact with the school - either via a message on Sentral to the classroom teacher, or phone call, you will now receive a message asking you to let the school know the reason for the absence. This is a change in the state wide legislation for all schools and families, to know that all students are safe and where they should be. Thank you for notifying us of absences.

Change of information?

Should any of your details change during the year such as address, contact number, student medical conditions or dietary requirements, please contact the school to provide an update.