Junior School Learning

Prep to Year 2

Welcome to Term 4 in the Junior School! Students have settled back into routine quickly and staff have been impressed with their enthusiasm towards their learning.


This term our inquiry unit is titled ‘The world we live in.’ This is our geography unit and students will focus on significant locations at a local, national and international level.


Currently in reading, students are learning comprehension strategies including:

  • Inferring- To infer, students need to find clues from the story and combine this with their prior knowledge to make a statement about the text.
  • Making connections- Students will start with making text-to-self connections  (connections between the text and their experiences) before moving on to make text-to-text connections (between the text being read and a text they've read in the past) and finally text-to-world connections (linking themes from their text to real life examples)
  • Main idea- Students will work to identify the main idea within the text.


To support the work your child/ren are doing at school, we encourage you to view ‘Clark the Shark’ with your child and use the suggested questions to discuss the text.




  • How were the students in Clark’s class feeling when Clark was not following the rules?
  • Why didn’t Clark not know the rules at the school?
  • What is the main idea of the story?
  • Did you make any text to self-connections?
  • Did you make any text to text connections?
  • Did you make any text to world connections?


In writing, Junior School students are learning to write information reports. This text type allows students to share facts and information with the reader. Your child/ren have been busy learning that an information report has a certain structure that needs to be followed. The structure looks like:


Title: The topic of the information report

General statement: A sentence explaining what the title is

Description: What does it look like/ what does it do

Evaluation: The writers finishes by saying how they feel about the topic


Over the next two weeks of numeracy lessons, our students will be exploring links between multiplication and division and ordinal number.


This term our junior students will be investigating the properties and characteristics of materials, and how they can be changed or reused.  We will be focusing on recycling at school and at home.


This week students practised their observation and grouping skills.  They also grouped some sample bags of rubbish and discovered the most common waste items at our school.


Term 4 - Kitchen / Garden Volunteers

Grade 1/2 students will commence their second round of cooking and gardening as part of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.


Please see the attached letter requesting volunteer support of parents.