Principals Report

As you are all aware we are dealing with something very different at the moment with the Coronavirus.

This is something we need to take seriously as we don’t really know the ultimate effect this virus will have on us.

It is essential that if you or your child has any of these symptoms:

  • Cough
  • High temperature
  • Cold or flu like symptoms

Please do not send them to school.


If any student shows these symptoms at school we are required to send them home immediately.

We are taking all precautionary measures at school by insisting all staff and students:

  • Wash hands with soap and water regularly
  • Practice social distance – no holding hands /hugs etc
  • Report immediately if they feel unwell.

We are ensuring we wipe down all surfaces regularly, including keyboards and mice.

At this stage, our school is operating as usual. If there are any changes we will notify you via sms.

Take care and look after yourself and your loved ones.

Kind regards,
