Week 8 Snapshot


To ensure that all students develop a love of reading we have spent much of the term  developing engagement, building stamina and establishing a Reader's Notebook. The purpose of a Reader's Notebook is to promote reflection and dialogue about reading.


Students have been establishing routines for stocking their book boxes with a variety of fiction and nonfiction books that appeal to their interests. Some of these books will be "just right" for their reading stage and some of these books might be "browsing books" that are more challenging, but appeal to their interests. 


To track how their stamina is improving, some students have timed how long they have maintained focus while independently reading and recording these times in a bar graph. 

Students have been writing personal narratives that capture significant moments in their lives. They have been exploring how authors use figurative and descriptive language  to create images, make personal narratives exciting and more interesting! 


While writing personal narratives, students have also been developing an understanding of the writing process and the characteristics of a good writer.

Home learning over the next fortnight could include: students reading for at least 20 minutes per day and recording their thinking. Also record the title and genre of the books they read.


Students have revised the Base 10 place value system. They have been playing games that involve reading, writing and representing five digit numbers. Students have been exploring mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction and applying these to solve word problems.


Home learning for the next fortnight includes complete Mathletics tasks set by your teacher.

Unit of Inquiry

Students have been inquiring into the many factors that influence wellbeing. Throughout the inquiry they have been building their understanding around the following lines of inquiry:

The aspects of life that affect people’s wellbeing 

How personal experiences and beliefs affect people’s wellbeing 

How people self-manage their wellbeing.

Students have developed their understanding of what wellbeing means through watching videos, interviewing others and reflecting on what they do to look after their wellbeing. Students in 4E have developed the definition,"Wellbeing means feeling happy, healthy and comfortable." 



After students had a deeper understanding of wellbeing, they started to classify

experiences that have had a positive or negative impact on their wellbeing. 


Home learning over the next fortnight could include: listing a variety of strategies that can be used to manage strong emotions. Practice these when feeling calm so that these strategies are easily used when big emotions come up. Reflect on each strategy i.e. 'The strategies that work for me are...'


Circles is a safe, fun and effective pedagogy for social and emotional learning. Throughout the year, Circles will be used to promote positive communication skills, empathy and connectedness, class cohesion and co-operation, friendship skills and ethical behaviour.  We also use philosophical inquiry to discuss big questions related to our unit of inquiry. Students have enjoyed playing games such as "Change places if..." and "Would you rather..." 


Homework instructions will be available via Google Classroom - Grade 4 Homework 2020


Last day of Term 1: 27th March 2020

Grade 4 Team

4A Melanie Davis 

4B Phoebe James

4C Andrew Yeaman

4D Nicole Klaassen

4E Heather Jenkins & Zoe Picton