Junior School Report

Heather McClure

Welcome to 2024, it is with great pleasure that I welcome new families to the Junior School at Woodmans Hill SC.  

This year we also welcome Tess Jennings to our team as year 8 year level leader. Our year level leaders this year are;

  • Year 7- Emily Beale
  • Year 8- Tess Jennings
  • Year 9- Jocelyn Gepp
  • Junior school administration- Minnka and Sammy


It has been a jam packed first week of term 1. The staggered start allowed for year 7 & 8 students and their families to attend the home group teacher interviews. The interviews enabled valuable information to be shared, important introductions to be made and questions to be addressed. The purpose for these interviews were to establish relationships between students, teachers and families/ guardians.

In the following days as students in other year levels were welcomed back, the school was again buzzing with the start of year excitement.

This week we are re-launching our school houses and students will be participating in a range of house activities on Friday afternoon.

The fun doesn’t stop, this week we are off to Swimming sports next week! 

The week of 19th of February will see our year 7 students off to camp. Term 1 is busy! We would like as many students as possible to attend, if you require financial support please reach out to the office/ junior school team.

Adjusting back to school can be difficult however, setting and sticking to routines is important. Regular bed and waking time helps us re-set and adjust to ‘back to school life’.. as hard as it is when that alarm sounds in the morning.

Adjusting back to school also means adjusting back to school expectations also. 

  • Students are expected to be in full-school uniform every day.
  • If a student is out of uniform, they’re expected to bring a signed note from a parent/ guardian and present it at the Junior school office for a pass, before school.
  • PE uniform is only to be worn during PE classes. Students are expected to change into their uniform for PE classes only and back into full school uniform at the end of class.


Should you have any difficulties purchasing uniform, please do not hesitate to reach out to the relevant year level leader for support.

Students have been allocated a locker each. Combination locks are the preferred lock. Students are not to be swapping lockers and should speak to their year level leader if there is an issue with their locker allocation.


This term we are focusing on arriving to class on time and prepared. This means students must begin moving to their lockers and class as soon as the warning music begins playing. Students are to ensure that they always bring required materials to class including their student diary and a well-stocked pencil case. This ensures that students arrived well-prepared ready for learning.


I am looking forward to the term ahead. Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any concerns or questions.


Heather McClure

Head of Junior school WHSC