Visual Arts

Last week the 5/6 students viewed a series of photos and videos from the Aurora light show in Albury. 

After discussing these images and also considering Wangaratta’s own Winterfest, students responded by creating a design for rainbow scratch art paper. 


These are now displayed en masse on the windows in the art room, where they catch the light in a way similar to installations from those winter festivals.




The 3/4 students began a threads and textiles project last week, based on sculptures by the Tjanpi desert weavers from Central and Western desert areas. 

The students were intrigued by the work of these artisans, who have taken traditional weaving methods and created a range of unusual creatures.


 The students’ first step was to create an armature made of newspaper and then to problem solve their way through a range of balance and proportion challenges.




Students in the 1/2 classes viewed and enjoyed the picture story book “Mopoke” by Phillip Bunting. 

This silly story elicited smiles and giggles from the students who then went on to use black paper and oil pastels to create a free response to the story.





Foundation students read the picture story book “Brian Banana Duck Sunshine Yellow” and then considered both the unusual illustrations and the repetition of ducks and yellow throughout the text. 

After discussing these themes, the students were able to pick a favourite image and recreate this using free choice materials. 


These artworks all went home, so no photos I’m afraid!