Year 5/6 Team News

with Laura, Christina, Bianca R, Molly, Bianca I, Steven & Will

Hello Year 5/6 families, 

Curriculum Focus

Inquiry: We are continuing to work on our Inquiry projects based upon our central question: “What Do Consumers Want?” Next week students will be presenting their product to the class and setting up their exhibition for others to view.

Wellbeing: Congratulations to our Year Fives and Sixes for their mature and engaged response to our four-week unit on Health. You might be finding some questions floating your way. We encourage you to have open and honest conversations at home.

Literacy: We are right back in the swing of our Literacy program. Students have been working diligently on their spelling words (with a new additional focus on handwriting). In reading we have been making connections between texts that we read in class and our experiences of the world. All students have planned a narrative and have enthusiastically jumped back into the process of independent writing.

Maths: Our unit on fractions, decimals and percentages has been reaping great rewards. Students now understand that when they draw diagrams, accuracy is key. In particular, when comparing fractions using a diagram, we must ensure that diagrams are all the same in shape and size. The multiplication homework has really helped students to work more flexibly with common denominators and equivalent fractions.

Homework: No changes to homework. Book club reading, book club tasks, literacy sheets, numeracy sheets and logged reading in diaries are all due on Fridays.



  • Monday 28 August, Camp 1: 5/6B, 5/6I, 5/6M
  • Wednesday 30 August, Camp 2: 5/6C, 5/6H, 5/6R
  • Please return camp forms to school ASAP


Beyond the Bin Incursion

In the Beyond the Bin incursion, people from Hobsons Bay Council showed and talked to the students and teachers about problems and solutions for waste management, where our waste goes and how to take care of our environment.

We learned about how food scraps turn into compost because all the bacteria, microorganisms, and insects break down the food scraps and turn it into compost. Compost is a form of recycling and is a natural process of returning well needed nutrients to the soil made from the compost. Here's a tip: if you plan on getting a compost bin (which you should), make sure to stir and turn the compost regularly, otherwise it will take 6-12 months or longer to fully decompose and become soil.

Did you know, you are only allowed to put four things in the recycling bin? These include paper, cardboard, aluminium tins and cans, and hard plastic.

Now that we know more about managing waste, we are looking forward to having a positive impact on the environment!

Written by Aven & Lani (5/6R)



Warm regards,

The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Bianca Russo & Molly Hedditch (5/6H), Bianca Italiano & Steven Puhar (5/6I), Melati Cordell (5/6M) & Will Rogers (5/6R)