
School Value




FMEtta MHelp others succeedFor being a kind and thoughtful friend to everyone in the classroom. Dee and I love how you help others to find their things and clean up the room. Keep being awesome!
12AAlfie WDoing your bestYou have been making such mature and sensible choices that help to ensure you are on track. Well done!
12EArchie RDo your bestYou have been working so hard and Shelley and I are so proud. Watching you give things a go independently and being successful makes our day. Keep it up Archie!
34SArden DDo your bestFor an amazing job in bumping up your writing this week- you have really taken the effort to extend your sentences Arden! Keep it up!
34BEilidh MDo Your bestYou are always trying your best! Your Anh Do Biography this week shows that the way you set your mind to focus on your tasks allows you to consistently create amazing work that you are proud of. Well Done!
56DLeo TDo Your BestFor your amazing work with your long multiplication and division. You are such a number wizard. Keep it up!
56SAlice CDo Your BestFor the great effort you have put into solving worded maths problems. I can see your confidence increasing. Keep it up!
Visual ArtsMarli BDo Your BestFor working wonderfully on your self portrait. You worked hard to create a drawing that represented you perfectly. You didn’t give up when faced with a challenge and did your best at all times. 
Performing ArtsLucas 3/4SDo your bestYou have listened well and demonstrated how accurately you can hear the beats in pieces of music. By carefully following instructions and always giving 100% effort, you are able to continually extend on your existing knowledge and skills. Keep up this wonderful attitude and ethic and I have no doubt you will go far! Great job.
STEMEdith 5/6SDo your bestI have noticed you concentrating well and getting engaged in our class discussions. Setting those individual standards of excellence will ensure you continue to develop your skills this year. You should be very proud of what you are achieving by maintaining a positive attitude and a drive to do well and succeed. Well done!
Plot to Pot KitchenLeon F 3/4BDo your bestCongratulations on your enthusiastic participation in Plot to Pot this week. Your carrot chopping was second to none! Well done!
Plot to Pot GardenArden D 3/4SDo your bestFor your in-depth research into seasonal planting and your detailed poster about what you learned. You really went above and beyond.