Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Staff,
As term one draws to a close, we can reflect on the amazing opportunities the community has had to connect with the College and engage in numerous events, with many to come in the final weeks.
On Friday 24th March, we hold our annual Working Bee. Staff, students and parent/carers all volunteer their time and effort to ensure the College is well presented on Monday 27th March, Open Night. The Working Bee commences at 3pm and finishes around 5.30pm.
The College Open Night is always a buzz with parent/carer and students gaining an insight into what secondary school looks like from Year 7 -12. You will make your way around the College, led by a student ambassador. You will view a vast array of work samples, have the chance to meet domain specific subject teachers and be introduced to members of our wellbeing team and inclusion team. Middle School Specialist Programs are also excited to share what their program has to offer and have students on hand to respond to any queries/questions that may be put forward.
The past Monday saw students in Year 7 and 9 sit their final NAPLAN assessment for 2023. Having to co-ordinate 300+ students from each year level requires a team approach. This extends from the staff who oversee the implementation of NAPLAN, the staff who bring the students into the classroom and explain the how to, but most importantly we need to acknowledge the students. Having had a trial run a week or so before, all students knew which room to attend, which seat they were allocated and what was being asked of each individual which was to be true to yourself and try your best.
What an exciting day for The Performing Arts students, on Wednesday 22nd March. Not only did they see Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, students were given time to meet and greet the cast from the show. What an amazing moment for these young people, truly memorable.
Last but definitely not least on the calendar, is the upcoming ICAN Challenge. Led my Miss Wade, with so much passion and motivation, she encourages the community to be a part of the fund raising process for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. We have over 120 EMC students along with staff walking 50 kilometres from St Kilda to Frankston. Grade five and six students from Langwarrin Primary, Langwarrin Park Primary and Woodlands Primary School will be joining us for from the half way point of the walk.
The training that these staff and students have undertaken over the past six months on the lead up to this event has been outstanding. The number of kilometres that they have done through the streets of Langwarrin and beyond should be celebrated. To date the four schools have raised over $130,000. With just under a week to go we hope to raise our largest amount yet to contribute to this great cause which is close to our hearts.
If you require any more information on the events touched on throughout this communication, please contact the College on 9788 2600.
Kind regards,
Jo Lackman
Assistant Principal