Careers Update

Good afternoon Parents and Carers,
We are fast approaching our Semester 1 Work Experience week and with close to 300 students attending, what a week it will be!
Thank you in advance for all of the questions, forms returned and communication, your support is greatly appreciated.
With only two school weeks left until placement commences, I wanted to touch base to encourage you to have some exciting conversations at the dinner table preparing our Year 10’s for a wonderful experience. Elements such as: employer’s name and number, what to wear, how to be professional, safety in the workplace, etc. are all covered in class, however your children would also benefit from hearing your words of wisdom before the enter the workforce in a professional capacity as well.
All students will be personally visited or called by their Pathways Teacher or a member of our Principal and Careers team to ensure they are travelling well during their placement.
Could I please also ask for one last push for any students who has not managed to secure a placement or returned their forms to do so over the coming weekend.
We still have some opportunities available on the SWL Portal which students are welcome to apply for:
Thank you again for your support during this busy time and may your children have a fantastic introduction into the working world!
Casey Howell
Work Experience Coordinator
Dates for 2023:
Pathways to Success, semester 1: Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th April
(Friday 31st March is available for any students wishing to complete 5 days inn term 1)
Pathways to Success, semester 2: Monday 11th – Friday 15th September
Get in early and organise YOUR amazing experience, many programs are open for applications now. Please contact Casey Howell in the Careers Office for any further details (