Year Two

Communicating with the Year Two Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Julie Hall (Class 2A)
Zoe Bates (Class 2B)
Overview of Numeracy - Term One 2023
During this term, in Year Two we are covering topics from the three strands, Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
In Number and Algebra students apply their number sense and strategies for counting and representing numbers and explore the properties of numbers. They apply a range of strategies such as addition and subtraction and develop an understanding of the connections between those operations.
In Measurement and Geometry students develop their understanding of size, shape and movement of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They learn about the features of these shapes and are able to sort and identify such shapes based on these observable features. Students have enjoyed exploring different shapes including making three dimensional shapes from nets.
In Statistics and Probability students build upon their ability to describe chance. Students describe everyday events as impossible, unlikely, possible or certain.
We teach the concepts within the curriculum through investigative tasks and hands-on activities.
This term, Year Two classrooms we was be mostly focused on the proficiency of Fluency. This describes the students developing skills in accurately recalling factual knowledge and concepts readily. For example, understanding and knowing automatically all the numbers that make 10 and 20.
Harmony Day
On Tuesday 21st March 2023, Upwey South Primary School celebrated Harmony Week. Students were encouraged to come to school in the colours/attire of a country in which they have a personal interest or cultural link. Some students came dressed in country colours, flag colours or traditional cultural attire. Some students choose to come to school wearing a splash of orange, which is the official colour of Harmony Week. Students were also encouraged to bring to school an artefact/flag/interesting fact/photos/etc from their country of interest.
Chesterfield Farm Excursion
On Monday 27th of March grade 1 and 2 went to Chesterfield Farm to celebrate our Inquiry unit Paddock to Plate. We had a wonderful day. Thank you very much toour parent helpers.
Take Home Readers
As part of InitiaLit-2, students have free-choice of short and extended chapter books to take home and read. Year Two students are able to choose up to four readers from school to take home and read nightly. Students in Year Two are also free to choose books from home to read each night if they wish. Students who choose their readers on a Monday are required to return them the following Monday. After reading, please record the name of the book in the InitiaLit Home Reading Diary for the day.
Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes. * These times are subject to change during school events (eg: swimming timetables) *
2A | 2B |
Visual Arts: Wednesdays 11.50am Performing Arts: Wednesdays 11am PE: Tuesdays 11am Japanese: 1.20pm Friday BSEM Life Science: 1.20pm Thursday | Performing Arts: Wednesdays 11:50am Visual Arts: Wednesdays 11am PE: Mondays 1:20pm Japanese: Fridays 9.40am BSEM Life Science: Tuesdays 11am |