School Council News & PTA News

A focus upon driving continuous school improvement 



A huge thank you to all of the families who supported our Hot Cross Bun-Run, which was delivered on Monday 3rd April 2023.


The PTA Special Lunch (Sausage Sizzle) which was held on Wednesday 5th April 2023 was a huge success. We thank you for your support in volunteering your time. 

2023 School Council Membership

DET Members: Damien Kitch (Executive Officer), Llew Humphries,  Stacey Bowles, Michelle Wright


Parent Members: Rachel Morrissey, Hazel Tindal, Jessica Mortimer, Robert Shepard, Lucy Demant, Casey Davies


Executive Officers:


School Council President: Rachel Morrissey

Vice President: Robert Shepard

Treasurer: Hazel Tindal

Secretary: Llewela Humphries

Do You Want to Get Involved with a Subcommittee?

For information about how to get involved with a School Council Subcommittee, please refer to the information below: 


 USPS School Council Link 

or email 

Rachel Morrissey - School Council President


Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)  


Finance & Facilities Sub-Committee: Oversee the governance aspects of financial management, improvement targets and aspects of the strategic direction of school physical resources. Make financial recommendations to School Council. Oversee the maintenance of school grounds and facilities. This Council will also oversee the organization and distribution of Working Bees for the wider school community.


Governance & Policy Sub-Committee: Oversee the governance aspects of school management, improvement targets and aspects of the strategic direction of school. Oversee the policy documents written by school to provide approval recommendations to School Council.


Community Engagement & Grants Sub-Committee: Oversee the promotion of school to the wider community. With the aim of aligning joint practices and directions to promote community engagement; overseeing fundraising initiatives; coordinating PTA dates with wider school calendar dates; communicating opportunities for students, families and staff to engage with the wider community. This committee will also present PTA Minutes to School Council and act as the conduit between the PTA and the School Council. Source grant opportunities for the school.


School Contributions


As you would be aware, a huge part of the success of our school is the ongoing commitment and support we receive from families. 

We recently distributed the details of payment information for 2022 via Compass. 


If you have not yet acted on this information, we encourage you to do so. 


Please refer to the attachment below.