Performing Arts

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Penelope Lang (Performing Arts)
What a busy term we have had. I can't quite believe we are heading into our Easter break already!
Look at the amazing things we have been doing.....
I was very excited to meet the students who will make up our school Rock Band during our Friday electives program. The band will be run by our talented instrumental teacher, Jacob Long who has been in many bands himself as well as managed several school bands along the way. We are in GREAT hands and I cannot wait to see what we will create together next term. Our band will include several drummers and vocalists as well as a keyboard, bass and electric guitar player.
Last week we were very fortunate to attend the King Stingray concert at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl as part of our First Call Fund Partnership. What an experience that was! For many students it was the first (and possibly not the last) time they had ever been to a live rock concert. Some students were very quick to grab the complimentary earplugs (it was loud) whilst others bopped till they literally dropped back into their bus seat for the journey home. Our next event couldn't be more different....we are off to watch some Ballet at the Arts Center. More information will be provided in Term 2.
We received some great news that all 22 students from Level 5/6 who applied for the NEVR youth concert at Hamer Hall have been accepted. It is VERY important that you (not me) register your child via the link below ASAP and preferably before Thursday 6th April.
All applications for NEVR Primary Choir need to be completed by parents/guardians online at
All of the songs have been uploaded onto Google Classroom and your child has been sent an invitation to join the class. Please accept this as soon as possible so they can return to school in Term 2 being familiar with the songs.
Remember rehearsals will be held at The Basin Primary School on the 3rd and 24th May and the performance is Monday 29th May.
It was so amazing to sing with our combined junior/senior choir at our recent Assembly. Due to the number of students who want to sing in our choir I have had to run two separate sessions, one for juniors and one for seniors and then bring us together for performances. I think you will agree that they sounded pretty spectacular! Just look at the concentration on their faces! Our Performing Arts captains and Charlie spoke so confidently about Harmony Day and a BIG thank you to our brave solo singer, Tae.
Speaking of brave, I was very lucky (and a bit scared) to have participated in a contemporary dance sculpture with the award winning choreographer, Liesel Zink. The work entitled "Us and All of This" was performed by over 300 dancers across 3 different locations. It was so wonderful to have been a part of an intensive 8 week creative process and work with such inspirational and creative people. I was very nervous (it has been a long time since I have performed) but I enjoyed every single second of it. It totally affirmed my belief in the power of the arts to create community and connection. I encourage you to look into the Betty Amsden Participation Program if this is something you would like to do. I can highly recommend it.
In the Performing Arts room:
The Foundation students have been continuing to work on their beat and rhythm skills. We watched, 'The Music Show - Rhythm' clip and talked about short sounds and long sounds. They spent time planning, cutting and gluing their 16 bar fruit salad rhythm. We began saying the rhythm then progressed to saying and clapping. The real fun began when we performed the rhythms on percussion instruments. I was impressed with their ability to do all of this whilst keeping a steady beat. When we returned to their classroom for snack we enjoyed singing and clapping the contents of their lunchboxes including tomatoes, cucumbers and plums. Each week we continue to work on learning the lyrics to Advance Australia Fair.
Year 1/2:
The students consolidated their understanding of rhythm during the listening game "Rhythm Corners". They practiced echoing a variety of rhythms using words and claps and explored long sounds, short sounds and the music rest (ta, ti-ti and Za). We enjoyed listening to the Harmony Day song, ‘Everyone Belongs’ and spent some time talking about each other’s Harmony Day Stories and what it means to live in peace and harmony. The Level 2 students finished their 'Instruments of the Orchestra' book, completing the last family, namely, the Percussion family. We had lots of fun exploring our classroom percussion instruments. It was great to let the students 'just play' and explore the different sounds. The Level 1 students worked collaboratively with a partner to create their own simple A/B/AB/AB rhythms. They will have an opportunity to perform these soon. It has been wonderful to see some of our students confidently leading our ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ and using their Auslan signs.
Year 3/4:
The students in Level 3/4 continued to explore the Elements of Music. Some classes finished performing their groups songs using a variety of dynamics. Songs included the 'Alphabet song' (did you know that was the same melody as Twinkle Twinkle?), 'It's Raining Tacos', 'Double that Consonant' and 'Let it Go'. We then explored the element of 'Pitch' and the impact that pitch has on the mood and meaning of music. We discussed music as a means of storytelling with melody being the conversation. We listened to ascending and descending sounds and practiced pitch matching a short sequence of sounds using our voices and the glockenspiels. We used our hands to mirror the direction of the melody (moving up higher or moving down lower) and played ‘Pitch Snap’ where students had to try and copy the notes I played on their instruments. The students had fun 'just playing' and exploring pitch on glockenspiels. Starting with a familiar song the students used their ‘music ear’ to find the pitch matching notes on the glockenspiels. Some students recorded this using colour, some used the note names and some students who can already read music chose to record their song on the music staff.
Year 5/6:
During our creative process of reflecting and refining, we decided to turn our 5 sound song into a 10 sound song. We discussed the importance of talking and discussing our musical ideas before we pick up our instruments. The students discussed what respectful feedback looks like and sounds like and the ingredients required for successful collaboration. We explored the musical element of ‘Form', namely the structure of the music and the students were encouraged to think about how they learn best. Some students wrote down their compositions using their own ‘form’, others memorised their composition (almost like a musical instrument dance) and some groups improvised and changed their ideas many times. All groups performed with bravery and flair. All grades have had input into the content of the Term 2 ‘Music Poster Project’. We will start this after school camp. I have LOVED the fact that my 5/6s still enjoy playing Rock Star at the end of our lessons (if we get time). So much fun!