Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
Curriculum Update
Over the past few lessons, the Foundation Students have continued to build and refine their underarm throw technique using the method Tik, Tok, Step & Rock. The most noticeable aspect during the lessons has been the confidence and fluency the students have demonstrated. Their ability to memories the five steps and apply them to each activity has been fantastic to witness.
During some of these lessons, we have included some Indigenous throwing games which have allowed the students to apply their learning.
Moving forward we will look to expose the students to the overarm throw techniques and build their confidence over the coming weeks.
Year One/Two:
Over the past few lessons, the level 1 students have focused on both their underarm and overarm throwing techniques. These lessons have a direct connection with building their Fundamental Movement skills. To build the students confidence, they participated in a variety of activities which focused on throwing accuracy, throwing power and consistency. Once the students demonstrated a level of competence, we applied both throwing techniques to an Indigenous throwing game and another game the students all love, Snowball.
Over the last three weeks the Level 2 students have begun their unit on Striking. We commenced the unit incorporating the sport, Field Hockey. The students learned the correct way to hold a field hockey stick and then applied this technique to dribbling a ball and push-passing with a partner. In the 2nd lesson students moved on to striking a ball with a cricket bat which is another technique. The children then applied their learning to a game of continuous cricket which focused on scoring runs after hitting a moving ball and working collaboratively with team members.
Year Three/Four:
Over the last three weeks our Level 3 & 4 students have continued their unit of striking with the focus being the sport cricket. The first lessons saw them concentrate on developing their hitting, bowling, and throwing skills. All three skill are vital in be successful to play a game of cricket. For the second lesson we applied all of the skills from lesson one to a game of continuous cricket. It was fantastic to see the students showcase their learned skills and talents. The teamwork on display was also something the students should be very proud of.
The level 3-4's also completed their term Portfolio task which involved the student's undertaking different activities at varying intensities. From there, students were tasked with recording their heart rate to develop an understanding of how intensity can impact your heart rate.
Year Five/Six:
Over the last three weeks our Level 3 & 4 students have continued their unit of striking with the focus being the sport cricket. The first lessons saw them concentrate on developing their hitting, bowling, and throwing skills. All three skill are vital in be successful to play a game of cricket. For the second lesson we applied all of the skills from lesson one to a game of continuous cricket. It was fantastic to see the students showcase their learned skills and talents. The teamwork on display was also something the students should be very proud of.
The level 5-6 students also completed their portfolio task for the semester which focused on developing an understanding of what a balanced lifestyle looks like. They were able to apply their learning by mapping out a day in their life on a set table.
Student Engagement:
Over the past few weeks, we have commence our student engagement sessions for P.E. On a fortnightly basis a select number of students from the 3-4 and 5-6 cohorts will participate in a running club program Thursday afternoons. The focus of the sessions has been building the students aerobic capacity, refining their running technique and further developing their acceleration and deceleration skills.
Division Swimming
On Friday March 10, eighteen students represented our school at the Division Swimming Carnival at Croydon Memorial Pool. Overall, it was a fantastic day for our school with our competitors giving their absolute best. We now have fourteen students who have progressed through to the Regional Carnival on Friday March 24 at Aquanation in Ringwood. To reach this level is an amazing achievement in itself and we wish all of our participants the best of luck. GO USPS
Region Swimming:
On Friday March 24, we had fourteen students represent us at the Regional Swimming Carnival at Aquanation. For some students, this was their first taste of competing at a regional level. For those who are aware, to make it to this level is an outstanding achievement. The level of competition at this event is extraordinary. We could not be prouder of our students efforts on the day. Congratulations to everyone who swam, you did Upwey South proud.
District Tennis
On Tuesday 28th March, nine students represented out school at the District Tennis Championships. Out of all the schools we had the biggest representation of students which was fantastic to see.
Some of the tennis on display was outstanding and what was more pleasing was the respect each student played their matches in.
Congratulations to both Jake Walker and Jade McCulloch who have progressed through to the Division Championships on Tuesday 4th April. We wish you the best of luck. Go USPS
Division Tennis
On Tuesday 4th April Jade McCulloch and Jake Walker represented our school at the Division Tennis Carnival at Upwey South Tennis Club. Both students put on an absolute clinic showcasing their skills. Jade and Jake both won their respective divisions without dropping a game. This is an outstanding achieved and something we are all proud of them for. Jake and Jade will now progress through to the Region Championships Friday 5th May at North Ringwood Tennis Club. We wish both students all the best. GO USPS
Upcoming Events
School House Cross Country - Friday 13th May