Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Maths in Term One / Swimming / School Camp reminders/ Thank You / Timetables
MATHS in Term One
Students have worked ever so hard during Term One, touching on many different maths units. This was done to remind and reinforce the students prior knowledge of Mathematics leading up to the NAPLAN tests. Our mathematical lessons have been engaging and hands on and allowing the students to make connections with the world around them. Lessons have been based around our teaching model 'The Gradual Release of Responsibility', lending its way to the students participating in challenging and differentiated tasks. Worded problems and challenge projects have backed up the learning through multiple exposures and problem solving. Students have also been engaging in online maths programs such as Mathletics, Prodigy and Chess.
The topics we covered during the term are:
Number and Algebra - Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fractions
Measurement - Shapes, Time and Symmetry
Statistics and Probability - Data and Graphs
Below are a few photos linked to Mathematics!
3D Shapes
MAB Towers - Place Values
During Week Eight, our Year Five and Six students participated in our school swimming program. All the students behaved amazingly, listened to their swimming teachers and completed their respective levels.
Here are a few happy snaps of the students.
And a couple more...
Camp Reminders
On Wednesday 26th we will be heading to Sovereign Hill for our Year Five / Six school camp. Here are a few reminders:
- Arrive at school at normal time (8.30-8.45) - bus departs 9.30am
- Luggage to be taken to the gym (luggage, sleeping bag/pillow and day backpack)
- Morning tea, lunch and drink bottle must be in small backpack (stay on the bus)
- Medication to be hand delivered to Mrs Woollard who will fill out all paperwork
- Wallets to be given to Mr Scicluna who will put them in a zip bag and name.
- Kisses and cuddles for mum and dad before setting off.
Attached below is the presentation sent out via Compass and presented at the information night. Contact information can be found in here. The clothing list is also attached for your reference.
From Melissa, Stacey, Meagan and myself, we would like to extend our thanks to you all for a smooth and productive Term One. We have managed to juggle many things during the term and your children have all acted Respectfully, Responsibly and Resiliently. We hope you all have a very well deserved break, spending time with your families.
See you all on Monday 24th of April for the start of Term Two
Weekly Timetables.
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Physical Education: Monday 1:20pm
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Japanese: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Tuesday 11.50am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Japanese: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Tuesday 11am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Japanese: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am