Congratulations and well done to the 84 students (28 teams) who have signed up to be involved in World Scholar's Cup this year - wow! This is a record number for both the College and any other school in the state. It is great to see so many students involved and enjoy the challenge; I am very proud of all who have signed up. The list of teams is available below.
Given the large numbers, I will run training in the GATE room from 3:10pm - 4:10pm on Monday 27 March and Tuesday 28 March (Week 9) to see how many students come. Students only need to come once a week as it will be a repeat. Year 10s and 11s who have been involved before are free to do their own private study during this time.
Depending upon which day is more popular, a decision will be made to either keep running both days or select just one day.
See you there with your team and don't forget to pay the $60 entry fee via our Online Store.
Mrs Tanya Atherton
Head of Gifted and Talented