Following on from last year’s win as the Champion School in the COVID-19 adapted ACC Age Swimming Championship series, Sacred Heart College once again won the ‘A’ Division Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 22 March. It was a terrific carnival where many individuals from across the competing schools performed very well. The College had some outstanding individual swimmers with Sam Carmignani (Year 10 Kimberley), Emma Stewart (Year 9 Barlow) and Samantha Crusan (Year 12 Trinity) announced Age Group Champions.
The competition was very close all day, but we performed very well in the final Division One relays to win the Championship. In the end, Sacred Heart College were 34 points ahead of John XXIII College and 133 points ahead of Newman College who placed third. Sacred Heart College also won the Senior Boys and Junior Girls Division trophies.
Congratulations to our Head of Sport, Mr Paul Clement, Mrs Sasha Kelly-Thatcher for facilitating all of the early morning training sessions, all the staff involved, our Swimming Team Captains Samantha Crusan (Trinity) and Lachlan Cooper (Thu Duc)and all our swimmers on their outstanding achievement. Photos from this event, taken by Hamish Bullen (Year 8 Thu Duc), are available on our Facebook page.
Harmony Day is always celebrated on 21 March. This week, the College celebrated Harmony Week. Many different activities, including morning prayer, were organised to focus on this important theme. Orange is the symbol for Harmony Day/Week and it symbolises support of the week’s theme. Today, our students had the opportunity to make and wear orange wristbands to show their respect and acceptance of all who are part of our community.
Thank you to the many parents/caregivers who took advantage of the Learning Conferences held yesterday. This year we had a hybrid model with a combination of face-to-face interviews in the Koort Centre and remote interviews through Microsoft Teams. I am sure that parents/caregivers and students found the interviews positive and most valuable. I hope students are now able to use some of the feedback received to enhance their practices to achieve improved results. As we move into the final weeks of Term 1, it is important that we continue to work hard to maximise our learnings over the term. I would also like to thank our Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning, Mr Michael Chiera, support staff and the Maintenance team for ensuring the day ran smoothly.
I’m looking forward to meeting with many of our former students from the Class of 2013 in the RNDM Theatre tonight. It is always interesting to hear our Alumni’s stories and see where life took them after they left the College. Our Alumni also often enjoy regaling stories of their time at school, the teachers they had and shared experiences.
If you or anyone you know is a former student of the College and has not yet joined our FREE Alumni group, please follow the link below to access more information.
God Bless.
Mr Leo Di Gregorio