Whole School Activities

Science Report

In Science this term, students in Lower Division have been studying the unit "The Changing Environment".  They learnt about weather and the seasons. They kept a record of weather for the month of February and then investigated what materials provide shelter and protection from changing weather. 


A fortnight ago, the students were set a challenge (in groups) to make a shelter for "Kenny Koala". Using box collage materials, they had to construct a shelter that would protect him from sun, rain and wind. Last week we tested their shelters with a fan (wind), a lamp (sun) and a spray bottle (rain) to see what worked well and how their shelters could be improved. 


Here are some photos of our little Scientists!


In the Upper Division class, we have been learning about FORCES this term. We have studied what forces are and the different types. We have looked at gravity, friction and magnetism and learnt from investigating/experimenting these with everyday objects. 

Ms Hahn

Key Word Sign (Auslan Edition)

This term all of our students have been learning Key Word Sign, we have now learned 20 signs.

Kirrily Hahn

Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Making Easter hats with Upper Division
Quotation Pasta Party-Learning how to add dialogue to our writing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Informative Text Sequencing
Making Easter hats with Upper Division
Quotation Pasta Party-Learning how to add dialogue to our writing

Informative Text Sequencing

Students in Lower Division have been working hard on their writing this term.  Please see some examples above of us sequencing informative texts correctly.