Library News

Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams

Story box library has lots of the shortlisted books and I have included some in the playlist which you can access when you log in.



Some good ones to read are these

Book Week

Only 2 weeks to go till our annual Book Week. The winners of the Shortlisted Books will be announced on the 19th August. The children have a few favourites and Snap seems to be the winner here at our school at the moment. I do find that each week when I read the children one of the Shortlisted Books it becomes their favourite.


Categories are 

Picture Books

Early Childhood

Younger Reader 

New Illustrator

Information Books


Our Book Fair will run for 2 weeks. I will advertise the times closer to book week but I will have opening times before school, after school and lunchtimes to cater for everyone. The Book Fair will run Book Week and the following week. Book Fair will also be available after the Book Week Parade. The children's book fair will be run by The Children's Bookstore who will also give us a commission on the books which are sold. 


Donate a book to the Library. 

Books are very expensive and each year at Book Week I ask families if they would like to donate a book to the library. Of course, you are under no obligation to donate but we appreciate it if you can. I have selected books that I would like to be donated and you can choose  $10, $15 and $20 options.


Book Character Parade. 

On Thursday the 24th August we will be having our Book Fair Parade and will be joined by The Glen Innes Preschool and Little Joey's. Children are asked to dress up as a book character and bring the book which it comes from. The time for the parade is 10:45 and you are all welcome to join us. After the parade you are invited to stay for morning tea and then read a book with your child/children in the playground.

The theme for Book Week this year is Read, Grow, and Inspire and we are doing activities around this theme and the books.

This week we had a performance on one of the Shorlisted Books Frank's Red Hat  by Sean Avery. We have had these performances before and they are excellent quality.

Read, Grow and Inspire Display is growing.