Principal's Reports

School Council 

At our recent School Council meeting on Monday 20th March we welcomed newly elected members and completed the process of electing council members to our office bearing positions. I would like to congratulate the following members on being elected to these important positions on our School Council. 


President: Stacey Sheedy

Vice President: Jag Beilby

Treasurer: John Droppert


We would still like to expand our number of Parent Representatives on School Council and are seeking further nomination to become a Parent Representative. If you are interested in this and would like to discuss what is involved please contact me via the Office and I would be happy to arrange a time to speak with you about School Council. 



Parents and Friends Association

The Parents and Friends Association operates as a sub-committee of the School Council to assist the school in providing the best possible environment for the children. This is done through fundraising activities along with coordinating events aimed at bringing the community together


I would like to thank all parents that nominated to become a member of our Parents and Friends Association and congratulate the following parents on their appointment to office bearing positions during the 2023 Annual General Meeting. 


President: Lorraine Watson

Vice President: Kristy Neilson

Secretary: Stacey Sheedy

Treasurer: Bec Francis

Grants: Mathew Grace

Publicity Co-ordinator: Kayla Jongen

School council representative: Stacey Sheedy


General members: Jacqui Blackmore, Lauren Duncombe, Michelle Strachan, Kylie Williams


Meetings are held at 2:30pm on Friday afternoons monthly. 




Congratulations to all of our Year 3 and 5 students for their commitment and approach to the NAPLAN testing across the past fortnight. Students completed assessments in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The data collected from NAPLAN is incredibly valuable in supporting us in tailoring our teaching and learning programs to support individual student growth. 



Friday Clubs

Each Friday afternoon all students from Grade 1-6 participate in the Afternoon Clubs program at the school. The Clubs program is aimed at providing opportunities for students within and across different year levels to connect and interact with one another through an extra-curricular activity that they find enjoyable. Some of the clubs offered this Term have been Bike Club, Chicken Club, Construction Club, Craft Club, Painting Club and Movie Club.


This program complements our work around School Wide Positive Behaviour, student engagement and student voice. It is my highlight each week visiting each club and observing our students and teachers interacting so positively and enthusiastically in the club of their choice. 


Daniel Webber
