Term 4, 2022

Year 1 Curriculum News – Term 4 2022

On Thursday the 1 December, the Year One students will be venturing to Werribee Zoo. In line with our Unit of Inquiry “Sharing the Planet”, the students will be immersed in exploring habitats, discover the interdependence natural systems and determine how the survival of living things are interconnected.


This term we are continuing to encourage the students to take independent action in response to their Units of Inquiry. Please encourage them to bring in any item related to our Unit of Inquiry on Fridays.



During our Literacy sessions we will continue to work on developing the CAFÉ reading strategies (comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary). Each week we will have a language and conventions focus.


In Term 4, these include:

  • nouns and pronouns
  • adjectives, verbs and adverbs
  • homonyms/homophones/homographs
  • suffixes and prefixes
  • contractions


In our Literacy rotations the students will be set a task linking to our language conventions on either Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress. The students will continue to build reading stamina through: Read to Self, Read to Someone and Listen to Reading. Our Guided Reading books will be linked closely to our Unit of Inquiry “Sharing the Planet’.



This term the children will be exposed to a range of writing styles including persuasive texts, informative texts and narrative texts. They will be engaged in activities to expand their vocabulary and expressive language skills, through our focussed literacy groups and writing sessions.



This term, the children will be encouraged to read their own work aloud to listen for grammatical correctness: checking use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. They are encouraged to identify high frequency words which might not be spelt correctly. We will begin to explore dictionaries in the classroom to research the correct spelling and meaning of unknown words.



We are continuing with the SMART spelling approach where the children can select six words from the given list. They are then required to practice these at home. We also reinforce these words by completing several spelling activities in class. 


On Friday, there is dictation, where the children are asked to write two sentences which include other words (not from their list) that contain that same sound. They children will transition to ‘Partner Testing’ whereby they are required to test one another on their specific words in readiness for Year 2.


Number and Algebra

This term, the children will be introduced to the concept of division through sharing objects equally. This will then lead onto multiplication where the students will be putting objects into set groups and working out the total using concrete materials and visual strategies.


They will continue to consolidate their understanding and confidence with number sequences, place value and addition and subtraction worded problems.


Measurement and Geometry / Statistics and Probability

This term, the students will be learning about Location and Transformation. They will learn to use and follow directional language to explain where things are. They will also link their new understandings to everyday situations by describing how to navigate around different places such as at school, the zoo, and local streets.


The students will also revise what they have learnt this year in Measurement and Geometry as well as Statistics and Probability. This will include creating class graphs on our favourite animal, classifying 3D shapes, and revising months and seasons, time to half past, length, mass and capacity.


Units of Inquiry


Living things live in different places where their needs are met​



  •  function 
  • connection
  •  responsibility

Lines of Inquiry:

Different types of habitats animals needs for survival.

The survival of different animals in different habitats.


Speaking & Listening

This term the children will deliver an oral presentation to their classmates on an animal of their choice, using information they have learnt and researched during our Unit of Inquiry. It will be our final Learning Task for the year.


Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile Attributes

October: Inquirers

November: Principled

December: Knowledgeable


Resilience Project Focus

The children are enjoying The Resilience Project program and are completing sessions on a weekly basis. We are continually talking about the three main focus areas: Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness (GEM).


Special Events

Year One Swimming – Monday 17 October - Thursday 27 October


Colour Run - Thursday 3 November


Werribee Zoo Excursion - Thursday 1 December


Music: End of Year Performance - Friday  December