Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Mrs Mellissa Bell

The job is learning.

Over the course of the past week I have met with each year group to discuss what it means to be part of the O’Connor Catholic Learning Community. Being part of this amazing school means understanding and believing in the core values of our founders - John Batiste De La Salle and Angela Merici, but it also means that we understand and value the three underpinning principles of “I am a Learner”, “I am Safe” and “I am valued, cared for and respected”.


Learning is a lifelong process and everyone that enters our school gates is committing to this idea, that we are learning, together and in everything we do. We recognised the hard work of all teachers last Friday as we celebrated World Teacher’s Day. It was a real treat to have some of our students take time out to pen a song of appreciation for those teachers that come to school each day, providing opportunities for learning.

As a school community we are working hard to ensure that everyone understands these underpinning values and that in all aspects of college life everyone can feel safe, valued, cared for and respected and that learning is at the centre of all that we do. As teachers move around the school they are witness to this learning. 


This week we say goodbye to our Nauran Practicum students. During their time with us they have experienced so many different things. Many are in awe at how such a big school runs each and everyday, that even when a teacher is away, the learning continues. They have witnessed the need for good communication between teacher and students, but also within facilities. On Monday morning school briefing we were blessed with a song performed by them, a song of thanks and gratitude. We wish them well as they return to their home communities and continue with their studies to become teachers. 



Looking forward to the next few weeks, our Year 10 students are in the final stages of finalising their patterns of study for 2023/4. Many of them will be meeting with a Leader of Learning to review their choices and check that they are meeting the requirements for their chosen pathways beyond formal education. We met with our 2023 HSC cohort last week to discuss pathways to success for the coming year. Our goal is to upskill our senior students with knowledge and skills to ensure that they are actively involved in all aspects of their learning. We have provided them with a site that is focused on navigating all things Tear 12, assessment, HSC and wellbeing.


Our work is learning, no matter who we are. As a staff we are continuing to ensure that learning continues to be the centre of all we do. We will continue to work with our students to build a strong culture focused on learning.


Mellissa Bell

Assistant Principal - Curriculum (Acting)