YEAR 3 - 6 News
On Thursday 27th October from roughly 2 pm-3:30 pm the Year 3 /4 students took part in a ‘GOAL! session.’ There was two sessions that students took part in, a GOAL! lesson and Gametime session. There was a classroom-based STEM challenge facilitated by Huddle educators, where students were challenged to design an NBL trophy that could hold aloft a basketball. Along with a basketball clinic facilitated by the Melbourne United community team. All students were given a basketball jersey for taking part, and had time to do a Q and A with the Melbourne United Players. Students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and were very excited to be apart of the program!
On Friday the 4th of November the Year 5/6 students went to Fawkner Park for the Southport Soccer Gala Day. We had two teams of mixed students playing against other schools in our area. The day produced some fantastic weather with all the attending students participating and getting involved. Good Sportsperson awards went to Jag and Leeza for their effort and respect shown towards the opposition and umpires. Well done 5/6s!
The Year 3/4's have been creating robots and monsters onto gridded paper during a Measurement and Geometry lesson sequence. Students were required to draw their creatures and calculate the area and perimeter of each part of the robot by using the correct formula. We had lots of fun completing this task!