Kings Park Campus Principal Message

School Council Kings Park Report
Year 7 Camp
On October 10 to 12, fifty-nine Year 7 students attended a camp at Campaspe Downs near Kyneton. All students enjoyed the team building and person challenge activities over the three days, even though the third day was a little wet!
“It was a really fun adventure. It was my first camp as I always missed out because of COVID. It was amazing working together during the team activities” Umu 7L1
“Camp was really fun because I loved spend time with my teachers and friends outside of the classroom.” Masal 7L3
“I appreciate the school for making this happen!” Trisha 7D3
“I got to do things like Flying Fox and Rock Climbing which I've never done before. They were so fun.” Sang,7L2
“It was fun because I have never seen my teachers and friends outside of school. I want to do it again.” David 7L2
Thank you to Tamara Ghazale for her organisation and our staff, Muneel Gundar, Rasha Obucinski, Nick Bavcar, Kayla Di Benedetto, Denise Morel and Maria Mostert, who gave up their time to provide this wonderful experience for the students.
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge Congratulations to thirteen students from Kings Park Campus who completed the Reading Challenge. Some of these students had also completed it in previous years while others completed it for the first time at Copperfield College. Well done! Overall, twenty-seven students registered for the challenge.
The successful students had a pizza party on Thursday October 13 to celebrate their involvement. All students received certificates of completion and a bag of lollies and also selected five books to take home or share with family and friends.
Ten students also won a $50 Coles voucher in a lucky draw. This voucher can be used at Kmart, Target, Officeworks, Coles and other stores.
Our four VPRC Champions for each year level also receive a badge to wear with pride and a USB stick. These students were:
7L1: Kelaus KOMAITAI
8L2: Brian NGUYEN
9C2:Noelle LIANG
XC3: Lina NG
Congratulations again to all students and thank you to Paul Hiddle and all teachers who promoted and supported the challenge.
Year 10 Delahey Experience
On Thursday Oct 20, year 10 students were bussed to Delahey to help their transition to Delahey next year. Delahey staff presented a session on study skills and Kings Park and Sydenham staff also worked with mixed groups of students delivering team building activities.
Year 10 Wellbeing Day - Friday Oct 21
Kings Park Year 10s were presented with sessions that were specifically designed for males and females. Students explored issues with violence in society and in the home. External presenters ran activities focused on Party Safe Practices, Pat Cronin Foundation: Coward Punch and the Butterfly Project. Morning tea and lunch was provided for all students.
The students engaged productively with what was at times confronting content. Thank you to Mary Scott, Kylie Brookshaw and Nick Taseski for organising the day and thank you to Deanne Geyer, Josh Dench, Nick Bavcar, Muneel Gounder, Emily Gascoyne, Pam Grech and Jane Williamson who supported the students’ involvement in these very important sessions.
Sports Report
During Semester 2, Kings Park had representation for volleyball, futsal, table tennis and basketball in the Keilor Division for School Sport Victoria.
Students demonstrated the RRR’s of Copperfield College by demonstrating respect and valuing relationships towards other schools and showed responsibility by attending training sessions before, during and after school.
While all students gave their all, the two teams which stood out were the Year 7 boys basketball team coached by Mr Goundar and the Year 7 girls volleyball team coached by Nick Bavcar.
These two teams won their respective events and have progressed to the Western Metropolitan Regional Finals as they attempt to make it to the state finals.
Basketball Team: Vivian Van Rensburg, Jayson Huynh, Naji Chakik, Kuir Ayiik, Sang Lianching, Adub Adhel, Kuir Ayiik and Josh Feterika.
Girls Volleyball Team: Mr. Bavcar (Coach), Faith Tyrell, Anna Tran, Cheryl Ioane Afa, Helen Le, Hanan Hassan and Tanya Vuu.
Challenge Day
It’s been another wonderful year of the Challenge Day Program at Kings Park. Challenge Day is a P.E and Humanities program catered to Year 9 students which puts their personal and physical abilities to the test on a weekly basis through various physical activities and Community Projects.
This year has seen students participate in events including bike riding along the Yarra River, rock climbing at Hard rock climbing in the CBD, team building activities and a bushwalk at Lake Dewar YMCA lodge as well as Humanities visits to the Old Melbourne Gaol and the Shrine of Remembrance.
Students gain an insight into the history of Melbourne, become extremely knowledgeable with the CBD layout and become familiar with public transport in Victoria all while learning the Copperfield Values of respect, responsibility and valuing relationships.
Well done to the current Year 9 cohort and getting outside your comfort zone this year; we hope you’ve had fun and we look forward to challenging next year’s students! Thanks to Josh Dench, KP Challenge Day Coordinator.
VCE Vocational Major Showcase
On Monday October 10, our Year 10 future VCE Vocational Major students watched the presentations at Delahey. Kings Park and Sydenham Year 10 students were able to speak with Year 12 students about their projects. This represented a fantastic opportunity for the Year 10s to visit the senior campus and to start thinking about projects they may become involved in for their final years. Thank you to Heath Simpson for organising the event.
Attitudes to School Survey
Also on October 10, we had a campus meeting after school where staff looked at the 2022 Attitudes to School survey data, with the perspective that we provide an Aspirational Learning Environment for our students. Specific data sets were considered in table groups and teachers looked at aspects of their teaching practice that they felt were working well in classes as well as practices they were looking to adopt.
Pacifika Programs
We have begun the next Pacifika program working with students from year 9 and 10. The focus again is on leadership skills, cultural identity, resilience and making positive choices.
Mr Lance Petherick and Mr Mark Nugent Campus Principals, Kings Park