Delahey Campus News

This year for my Year 11 Structured Workplace Learning placement, I was working at GAM (General Aviation Maintenance). I worked with engineers to help fix aircraft and learned all about how the aircraft is maintained. I also learned what it was like to be in an aviation workplace and that was very interesting. I completed a variety of tasks involving the engine and airframe of the aircrafts. I cleaned aircrafts, sand blasted parts, removed panels inside and outside of aircraft, removed and cleaned and then installed sparkplugs as well as engine runs and a compass swing which is like an engine run and many other tasks.
This placement is relevant to my career as I want to be a LAME which is a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. To have some knowledge of aircraft and how different systems work as well as exposure in this field is something that can assist me for when I get an apprenticeship in aviation after I complete Year 12.
Benjamin Galea – Year 11 VET Automotive
Catholic Regional College Sydenham hosts VET Baking and also has it’s very own Bakery on site! Students that do Structured Workplace Learning placement there will get to make things for the bakery down stairs like pizzas, croissants, muffins, a variety of slices, burgers and that is just a few to mention. They will also get to do catering some weeks and they will also get to serve the students from the school when it's their break. It is a really good opportunity as it builds your self-confidence, communication skills and employability skills.
I was really lucky to do work placement at The Bakery Patisserie at CRC Bakery for the last two years for my SWL placement. I had lots of fun and learned many skills that I can bring with me into the future. I also got to work with two ladies, Belinda and Jackie, in the bakery who were really nice to work with and always made me feel welcome, comfortable and made my two years enjoyable.
Peter Haber was my supervisor for Work Placement and he was also my teacher for VET baking over the two years. He was an excellent teacher. He would always be nice, had a great sense of humour, and would always make our classes and my work experience fun. He would always be encouraging even if you made a mistake here and there. I learnt so much from him and I was able to experience many things I would not have thought I could.
Lily Owen-Portelli – Year 12 VET Baking
Hi my name is Lily Austin. I am a Year 12 student at Copperfield College. I studied Allied Health as my VET subject for the last 2 years. For my work placement, I chose to work at Springside Primary School, which is located in Caroline Springs. Here I worked closely alongside the school nurse. Some of the tasks I was given were;
- Triage patients
- Ensuring first aid supplies for yard duty bags and classroom kits were fully stocked
- I regularly delivered rapid tests to each classroom. This included consulting with the nurse and relevant office staff.
- Learnt basic school first aid treatments
- How to handle challenging students
This particular placement was a great experience as it correlates with my future plans of becoming a paramedic. After having this opportunity, I am excited to continue to learn more in the health industry.
Lily Austin – Year 12 VET Health
Ms Kerry Farrall
Work Placement Coordinator
Library News
Congratulations to Julie TO of 1Y2 who won the DEL library book and stationary pack .
Over 50 entries were received, with some great suggestions made about what the library needed.
Thanks to everyone who entered.
Ms Bronwen Ch'ng & Mr Som Souriyavong