STEP UP to the Lyrics
Late last term, Mrs De Redder finalised and submitted her ETA (English Teachers Association) scholarship which required her to develop a unit of work aimed at engaging students. The unit was developed from the unit already used in English with changes to the activities, content focus and the incorporation of English Textual Concepts.
Year 9 English students have been trialling the unit and this will culminate in the completion of their final assessment task for Year 9 - a written speech for Kev Carmody's 80th birthday.
As evidence of the increased engagement, here is a picture of Year 9 Gold students working diligently to complete their speech draft. They have been enjoying learning about Kev Carmody and his most well-known song created with Paul Kelly: From Little Things, Big Things Grow.
12 English Standard
Our new HSC cohort has hit the ground running with their class character box presentations. Students were required to select a character from their prescribed text Past The Shallows and choose five objects to represent their character using textual evidence. There were some interesting presentations!
Year 7
Year 7 students have been studying poetry in preparation for their Week 5 exam. This week, students created their own poetry.