Civics and Citizenship Conference 2022
On the 27th of October, I attended the NSW Civics and Citizenship program in Sydney at Parliament House. The day focused on the question 'Should Australia Have Compulsory Voting?'. Thirty kids across the state, including myself, learnt about the pros and cons of compulsory voting by listening to three seminars. After that, we used the information that we learnt and broke off into groups to debate the question. My group was in agreement with compulsory voting, similar to most of the other groups. We then shared our opinions on a Zoom with Year 10 students from every state and territory in Australia. Throughout the day I learnt about democracy and the working of parliament and met plenty of new people along the way. I recommend this opportunity to anyone as I learnt lots about the Australian Parliament and got a trip to Sydney.
The vote results were as follows – Voting results from 102 students were: