Principal Report
We are halfway through the term and it has flown by. Our HSC students have finished their final exams.
The Year 12 2023 Assessment schedule has been emailed out to all families. Please have a read through and contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
We will be trialling adding a new page to our newsletter; it will be similar to our Dates to Remember, however, it will be for assessment dates. We will be starting off with our Year 12 assessments first and if received well we will be adding other years as well.
School Improvements
LED lights - The DoE LED initiative is slowly moving throughout the school with both students and staff commenting on the improved learning environment.
Shade over basketball courts - We had to postpone work on the shade area to minimise disruption to our HSC students. Work will being on this structure again next week and we are still hopeful that it will be completed by the end of the year.
Oval - Unfortunately, due to the wet weather, we have been unable to start work on our school oval. Hopefully, we will shortly be able to start.
Toilets - This is still in process and with School Assets. However, the plans and designs have been approved and we look forward to this construction commencing in the first semester of 2023.
Old Hall upgrade - Pricing is currently being completed by contractors and we hope to have work underway early next year. Work will be completed in stages:
Stage 1 - Stage flattened, suspended ceiling removed, new retractable seating approx 100 - 200, light rig replaced, new carpet and blinds
Stage 2 - room adjacent leaks fixed, room fitted with toilets and kitchen
New HSC Students
The Senior study agreement has been sent out. Students will not be permitted to use this facility unless they have returned their agreement with a parent/caregiver signature. Students must also be in full school uniform. If students break the senior arrangement, they will be removed from the senior study for a set period of time. All students will be allocated a key card to access the facility after hours and during school time. We are currently working on a solution to allow students to use the same key card to access the well-being gate after school hours.
We ask that all parents and carers please refrain from asking questions on our Facebook page. All questions need to be directed to the school via email, telephone, note or in person. We will not be responding to any comments made on our posts. Facebook is used for us to deliver notifications to families and to advertise school achievements.
New Key card/Bell system
A key card system is currently being installed throughout the school to allow for greater access for staff and ease of allocating rooms to casuals and replacements if lost/stolen. The Bell system has been reworked with a PA system now throughout the school with a very clear lockdown and evacuation siren. This has enabled us to be able to relay messages to both staff and students out in the playground.
New Wellbeing DoE systems
All students start on Level 0 when they start school. Students are rewarded for doing the right thing in regard to school core values and the Department of Education's expected code of behaviour for students. Many rewards and opportunities await students who do the right thing. Unfortunately, from time to time, some students have difficulties following School and Department of Education expectations. The following is an outline of our level system for students failing to follow the school and Department of Education expectations.
Level 1 is a subject-specific monitoring card to assist students modify behaviour in a particular subject.
Level adjustments level 2 (Blue) - Students which have their phones out in class will be placed on Level 2 Blue (resulting in students not being allowed to have phones on them during school hours for a minimum of 5 days). If parents require a student to have a phone to go to and from school, an individual phone locker will be provided in which students must place their phones for the duration of school and then pick up at the conclusion of the school day.
Level 2 Behaviour (Yellow) monitors student behaviour in every lesson. If a student has 5 days of successfully following school rules and the school's core values, they return to their previous PBL level. (Every motioning card is tailored to individual student needs)
Level 2+ (Green) - removal from playground recess and lunch due to continued poor behaviours on level 2.
Students on level 2 or 3 maybe be restricted for non-curriculum based activities
Level 3 - in school support with Head Teacher for students who are continuing to have problems abiding by our school/classroom rules and core values on Level 2.
As a last resort, a suspension may occur, if students are unwilling to modify their behaviours. Students on Level 2 Yellow, Green or Level 3 will receive a 50-day suspension warning letter. This letter will inform parents that if poor learning behaviours continue, the student may be suspended.
Presentation Day
We will be holding our Presentation Day on 13 December at approximately 11.30 am. We are hoping to live stream to students in classrooms and record the event to be posted afterwards to Youtube.