Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report


Dear Parents/Guardians, 

With only three weeks till the end of the year, this is the second last newsletter! Where has the time gone?


I would like to highlight some of our achievements this year even though I’m sure you are aware that as a school we are absolutely smashing it! I believe that the great work that teachers and parents did during remote learning time is paying off.

  • At least ten different schools visiting the school throughout the year to learn from us.  At least four of those specifically here to learn from our Prep teachers who are held up as best practice.
  • Extremely high NAPLAN results, we were higher than similar schools and network schools in every single measure, Grade 3 and Grade 5. Our numeracy results are particularly outstanding.  
  • In the Student survey we had 95% of grade 4 – 6 students not experiencing bullying. 97% of the students surveyed were an advocate for the school. 
  • In the staff survey 100% of the teachers agreed that the school has a collective focus on student learning.
  • 100% of parents surveyed are satisfied with the education their children is receiving at WYPS.
  • Our student survey, staff survey and parent survey attained the highest results the school has ever had.  Above the state average in every single measure! Which is unheard of.
  • The new building is taking some sort of shape (if only it didn’t rain so much).
  • Strongest speaking competition and spelling competition I have ever seen at any school.
  • Happy children at the kiss and drop every morning.
  • A normal school year, what a bonus.

I would like to thank parents, staff and our wonderful students for these brilliant results and I would like to thank everyone for their support of our brilliant school. I obviously have some bias but I do believe we are the best school in Victoria. Now for the world!

Breakfast Club

Don’t forget Breakfast Club is on Monday’s and Tuesday’s from 8am.  Everything is free, which is so wonderful in this expensive world we live in. 


Teachers are currently finishing off a few assessments and are busy writing reports. Reports will be released to parents via compass on Friday 9th of December.

Step Up Day

Step up day is one of the biggest days in the year.  On this day all students spend most of the day with their new classmates and teacher. I again assure all parents that the teachers have spent countless hours carefully placing each student. 

Junior School Speaking Competition

The junior school speaking competition was more than something special, it was simple incredible. As I said on the day, a few of the grade two speeches would have won the 5/6 inter-school competition a few years ago. I really think we are a total leader in this space. I can’t think of any school that has seven year olds that can memorise a 2 minute speech on a worldly topic that is still age appropriate, while using public speaking devices to make sure their speeches are 100% engaging. We have certainly raised the bar. Unfortunately I was one of the judges for the competition which is not something I ever want to do again. It was so very difficult because there was so many brilliant speeches.


I would like to congratulate all the finalist for making this year’s competition, the best junior school competition in the school’s history. 

The overall winners were:

Grade 2 Champion – Amelia Hughes

Grade 1 Champion – Evelyn Pratt

Prep Champion – Eden Cantwell


Please make sure you look after yourself this week as we head into this really busy period for everything! I’ll see you at the kiss and drop. 


I don’t have time to read for pleasure at the moment, which I know is really bad for me. I hope you’re finding the time to escape into a book.