From the Learning Specialists

Terri Gioia &  Cindy Norman

Welcome back to those returning families and welcome to all our new families. 2023 has had a promising start, with everyone settling beautifully into their new year levels and grades. 


You may have noticed that a new school year always starts the same way, where both students and teachers take time to connect, build relationships and develop a strong learning culture in their classrooms and across the levels. This is intentional; research shows that connected children are more likely to succeed. At this time, we also help students to build an understanding of how our self-perception affects how we think and learn. It is in these weeks that we look at understanding what a growth mindset is and how to engage in this way of thinking. Much research has been done around growth mindset and brain plasticity. Understanding that intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and actions and, that intelligence is not fixed. A growth mindset also recognises that setbacks are a necessary part of the learning process.


For our students to thrive, we believe that the partnership between parents and school is essential. To help with this, we will continue to keep you updated with what each year level is doing through the Wonga Weeklies, a weekly update for your information. Not only do the teachers briefly describe the focus for each learning area for that week, they also include ideas/conversation starters for you, so that you may be an active, interested part of your child’s learning journey. We hope you find this resource beneficial. Keep an eye out for these, a link will be emailed to you each week.


Many thanks,

Terri & Cindy