Music News

Hi and welcome back!
We have an exciting year of Music ahead of us!
Ensemble Rehearsals
Ensemble rehearsals began on Monday 6th February for all students continuing in new ensembles. These rehearsals will appear in students Compass timetable when their enrolment has been finalised. To finalise enrolments fees must be paid in full, OR a payment plan instigated (contact office for payment plan options).
If you are unsure please check in with the Music Office.
Year 7 (and other students interested) Music Information Evening
The Music Information evening will be held on Monday 13th February, 2023.
The evening will give parents and students an opportunity to hear about the music program at Viewbank College and the instruments and ensembles that are available.
Allegro Music will also be available on the evening to discuss equipment purchase and hire options.
Date: Monday 13th February
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Viewbank College Performing Arts Centre
New Instrumental Music Enrolments
New enrolments (for students who have not enrolled in Instrumentation Music classes or ensembles at Viewbank College but would like to enrol in 2023) are now open,
Please click here to enrol.
To view the Instrumental Music Handbook, click here.
Enrolments are due Thursday 16th February, 2023.
Please fill in your three instrument preferences by this day.
Once completed, please wait for an email from an instrumental teacher to let you know the time and date of the trial lesson.
Music Camp - 4th -6th April, Ferngully Lodge, Healesville
Junior Strings, Intermediate Band, Viewbank Voices and Junior Choir will be attending Music Camp from 4th – 6th April at Ferngully Lodge in Healesville.
This camp is a chance for us to work intensively to develop ensemble skills.
Further information will be sent to families shortly.
Upcoming Music Dates (subject to change):
- Music Camp – 4th – 6th April 2023
- Autumn Festival – 11th May 2023
- Showcase/Gala – 16th October 2023
Mr Tom Krieg & Ms Katrina Wellins
Co-Directors of Music