Springers in Action

What's been on at the Springs

Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students have recently returned from their second camp of the year - which was remarkably different from their Canberra Tour!  They were pushed out of their comfort zone, leapt from great heights and got wet and muddy at the Summit Camp in Trafalgar. We've had great reports about how proud the students are of the feats they achieved! They certainly learnt a lot about pushing themselves to the absolute limits, being grateful for the things they have and working together as a collaborative team.  Again, thank you to our dedicated staff, and parent helpers, for making this journey possible. 


The craziness of Kaboom returned this year, with all students from Prep-Year 6 joining in the fun!  It was great to see so many students in their House Colours competing and doing their very best!

Luna Park Yr 6 Celebration Day