Classroom News

Year Prep/One
You may have already heard a snippet from your child/children of what is to come for the Sacred Heart Christmas Carols tonight. This week the Year Preps and Ones along with the rest of the school have been busily preparing for our Carol’s night. There has been plenty of talk about Advent, Christmas and beautiful singing inside the classroom and in the hallways this year. To add to the excitement of Carols, the Year 1’s along with the Prep’s set up our Christmas tree and our Advent wreath together this week.
The Year Prep/Ones are very excited to showcase all their hard work and look forward to seeing you tonight at the Carols. The photos below are from our rehearsals at school and at the Church throughout the week.
Year Two
All About When We Played Cricket
First we went outside and Bethany and Erin got the Cricket equipment and they set up the game.
There was 2 teams, Team A and B. Kaitlyn was in Team B and Natalie was in Team A. Kaitlyn was batting and Natalie was a wicket keeper.
Tip: It was very hard to bat because you have to keep your eyes on the ball.
Tip: When you're wicket keeping you have to run very fast, because the ball could go anywhere!
Ben bowled the ball to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn hit it as hard as she could and ran to the other wicket and back. Katalina got the ball and threw it to Natalie and she touched the wicket. What great team work!
Team A won because they got 25 points!
By Natalie and Kaitlyn
Year 2 and Year 3/4
The Great Presentation!
After a term of researching, planning and putting together a presentation about their endangered animals, our students finally had the opportunity to present their learning to the rest of their classmates. This was inspired by the wonderful excursion to the Melbourne Zoo, as well as class texts and borrowed library books.
The students showed off the various features of Google Slides such as background images, slide transitions and different fonts/colours, taught during technology sessions.
Well done Year 2 and Year 3/4!
Year 4/5
World Cup Soccer fever has hit Sacred Heart with the Year 4/5 students participating in their own competition over the past week. We've seen some great individual performances, including some impressive goalkeeping work from Ishe and Chen, and some fantastic forward striking by Zane, Jaxon and in particular Michael, who yesterday scored four goals for his country. The competition will finish with the final tomorrow.
Inquiry ~ Climate Change
Students have turned collaborators in our Term 4 unit of work around Climate Change and have produced some Informational Texts on certain topics, such as The Carbon Cycle, C02 and Renewable Energy. Here are some Introductions to their work...
This book is about fossil fuels and living and nonliving things. You will find three questions (two open and one closed ). As well as finding those answers, there are fun facts as well; for example, what are non living things and living things? All living things breathe, eat, grow, move, reproduce and have senses. Non-living things do not eat, grow, breathe, move and reproduce. The non-living and the living work together to create ecosystems. Izaac and Alex
Introduction -
As part of our inquiry project, Chen & Enock have looked at Renewable Energy and Co2 and Oxygen and have gathered one closed and two open questions for each topic.
These are important things we use in our daily life without realising it. Scientists are trying to find ways to solve problems around the world so we will be explaining it to you.
Dedication -
We dedicate this book to Sarah, an environmental scientist, who works at CERES, for expanding our knowledge on ways we can stop climate change and help spread information to others. by Chen and Enock
This book is about C02, Oxygen and Fossil Fuels.
This book includes photos from the topics of each page. You will surely learn a bunch of Information about this book.
- How does carbon dioxide increase the earth's temperature?
- Where do you get fossil fuels?
- What's the percentage of carbon dioxide in The World? by Yash & Glendon
Year 5/6
The Giving Tree
Each year St. Vincent De Paul have a Giving Tree in the foyer of our Church, aimed at providing a merry Christmas for those less fortunate in our community. Our school is privileged to be a part of this and our senior students have been busily making cards with messages of hope, together with paper cranes to add some joy to people who may find the 'Festive Season' a challenging one. Week 1 of Advent is around the theme of Hope and it is through our actions as people of God that we can provide some hope for others in our little corner of the world.