Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Prayer For Advent
Lord God, only you can see into my heart and know that under all the busy-ness of my life, there is a deep longing to make this Advent one that welcomes you more deeply into my own life.
My heart desires the warmth of your love and my mind searches for your Light in the midst of the darkness.
Those families who follow our school Facebook page, will be aware of the sensational news that was posted yesterday regarding our school's performance in the 2022 NAPLAN. Sacred Heart was ranked in the top 150 performing primary schools in Victoria (there are over 2,200 primary schools in our state). Apart from Preston West Primary School, who made the list of top performing schools, Sacred Heart is the only school government and non government to achieve this feat anywhere within our region.
The other Catholic Schools that made the list (i.e. another twenty one) came from the Eastern Zone.
As I said in yesterday's post, this magnificent achievement is as a result of our hard working enthusiastic students, families that work in conjunction with the school with a sense of informed trust and our diligent passionate staff.
2023 Class Placements
Our students will meet their 2023 class and teacher on Wednesday 14th December. On this day students will spend some time with their new class and teacher in preparation for 2023.
As of 2023 we will refer to our Year Prep class as Foundation.
It is important to note that our teachers put much thought into the composition of students who make up each class grouping. Each student is placed in a class that maximises their chance of a successful year both academically and socially.
Christmas Carols
(Images from our last Christmas Carols in 2018)
As announced in yesterday's special bulletin, Christmas Carols return tonight after a two year hiatus due to COVID restrictions. We would love to see as many families as possible join us as we celebrate the joy of the Christmas season. Christmas is a special season for Christians as we recognise the birth of Jesus and for all, as we celebrate with our families the festivities of the season.
We would ask that all students be in the church by 6.20pm tonight for a 6.30pm start. The carols will run for approximately an hour.
For families who are interested, tea, coffee and light refreshments will be served in our school afterwards.
Security Door
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, a new electronic security system was installed today at the front entrance to our school building. This system will make our school a safer place for all, and reduce the chance of unwanted persons entering our school. As of tomorrow, all parents will need to buzz through to the office to gain access. I am sure all parents and guardians will agree that any inconvenience caused will be a small price to pay for making our school a safer place for all.
Welcome New Students
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce two new students who are joining our school next year. We welcome Sai (who is pictured in the image immediately below at the top of the photo) and Tiffany (who is pictured with her newborn baby sister). Sai will be joining our Year Three group and Tiffany our Year Four group. Both Sai and Tiffany have already spent a day at our school getting ready for their move in 2023.
Welcome Sai and Tiffany, we are so happy that you are joining our school community.
Morning Tea
We will be conducting a morning tea on Wednesday 14th December, to say thank you to all our parents, grandparents etc, who have contributed to the life of our school by assisting our staff in the classrooms, on excursions and through the Parents and Friends group in 2023. Invitations will be sent home next week. The morning tea will be at 11.00am on this day.
School Education Board
Next Tuesday 6th December our School Education Board will hold its AGM. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Board members for their contribution to our school this year. The Board is an invaluable source of information, ideas and feedback on how we can make our school an even better one. As is the case each year, we have some members leaving as their children embark on their secondary education. I will announce our new Board in next week's newsletter, however in the meantime, I would like to acknowledge the two members who are leaving.
Amelia Van Lint, mum of Julian, has been on the Board since before I commenced my principalship at Sacred Heart. Amelia has filled the secretary position with a level of professionalism that has allowed the Board to be an effective forum for our school. Amelia's passion for the success of our school has been evidenced not only in her role on the Board but in a litany of other parental involvement opportunities she has partaken in. Amelia has been a constant presence in our school and a great support to me. Thank you so much Amelia.
Geeta Parekh, mum of Ria, joined our Board in 2021. Like Amelia, Geeta has displayed a keen passion for the continued improvement of our school. She has been a great source of ideas and feedback. Ria joined our school in Year Three and during her four years Geeta has been actively involved in our school. Thank you so much Geeta.
Congratulations to our Year Six student and School Captain Julian, who has a major role in the St Gabriel's Theatre Group's performance of Peter Pan.
Parents and Friends Election Fundraiser
A big thank you to our Parents and Friends members who conducted the bake sale last Saturday, during the election. Thanks to all our families who provided cakes and slices and these parents, we were able to raise nearly $500 for our school.
Joke from the Parish Bulletin
A young couple moved into a new house. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbours hanging out the washing. "That laundry is not very clean; they don’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps they need better soap powder. Her husband looked on but remained silent. Every time her neighbours hung the washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments. A month later, the woman was surprised to see nice clean washing on the line and said to her husband, "Look, they've finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught them this?" The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney