From the Principal
Annual Parent Survey
As important members of the School community I invite and encourage you to participate in the Annual Parent/Caregiver Survey. The survey is designed to offer parents/caregivers with an opportunity to provide the School with invaluable insight and feedback regarding their experience of Blackfriars throughout 2019. The survey results will underpin my understanding of parent/caregiver perception regarding what is working well in our School and importantly, any concerns that may require improvement of our processes and programs to deliver better outcomes for your son and your family.
Blackfriars aspires to provide excellence in the education of boys in the Dominican tradition.
The focus and objective for Blackfriars is to be an outstanding school for the education of boys and your constructive feedback will assist and guide our reflection and discernment in our continuous development for improvement.
The survey should take about 5-8 minutes of your time. Please click HERE to access the survey >
St Albert the Great & End of Year School Mass
Essentially, Term 4 brings together the final chapter of the School Year and it is therefore appropriate as a Dominican School, that we come together one last time as a whole community to celebrate Mass and give thanks for the gift of our Blackfriars community and to celebrate the Feast Day of our patron, St Albert the Great.
I warmly invite families of Reception to Year 11 to attend and participate in this whole School Mass. Year 12 students and families are also welcome and encouraged to attend however, as Year 12 students will have commenced their final SACE Examinations; these students are exempt from the compulsory obligation of attendance that applies to students of Reception to Year 11. Early Learning Centre children and families are also very welcome to attend, although there is absolutely no expectation of them to do so. Should any ELC families wish to attend, children are to remain in the care of their parent(s)/caregivers.
Details of our whole School Mass are:
Date: Thursday 14 November
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Neill Gymnasium
Parking will be made available on the back oval, entry via Bradford Street and as directed by the parking officials.
Student Instructions
Students are to wear the formal winter uniform, including tie and blazer and to report to their normal classroom (Primary Years) or Home Group (Years 7-11) by no later than 6:45pm. Students will remain with their peers for the duration of Mass.
Mass will be concluded as close as possible to 8:00pm and families are welcome to share in a quick cup of tea/coffee and fellowship in Frassati Hall while they wait for their son(s) to be released by staff following the conclusion of Mass.
St Albert the Great Holiday - Friday 15 November
Friday, 15 November is a whole School holiday in honour of St Albert the Great. I therefore trust that attending the whole School Mass on the evening before will not unduly impact on the wellbeing of students the following day.
I look forward to sharing this occasion not only with the students, as is expected, but also with as many family members as is possible.
Lest We Forget
Next Tuesday, 11 November is Remembrance Day. A day for reflecting and remembering with sincere and heavy hearts, all those who served and battled, those who returned and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice of death in honour to protect the integrity, freedom and liberty of our country, Australia and of countries supported by the United Nations Charter.
Together, we will honour and remember!
Mr Simon Cobiac