Students Taking Action

Buskers' Corner

Our Music Captains, Charlotte P-M (6B) and Zoe B (6C), together with Music  Tech Captain, Luca K (6B), have been giving up their lunchtime for the past few weeks to assist with Fete preparations. At first, they were incredibly helpful on supporting and managing the many students who came to audition for a spot in Buskers' Corner and Luca did a wonderful job finding appropriate backing tracks on YouTube.

Once all this work was complete, they started creating an inspiring backdrop for our stall (pictured below). Mrs Ratten, Mrs Ullmann and I would like to thank you for your dedication to the task. It bodes well for the rest of this year's events!


Mrs Fine, Music Teacher.

Our School Captains & Vice Captains

Last Friday our School Captains and Vice Captains were involved in a promotional film about our school. Their behaviour throughout the process was outstanding and their manners impeccable. As they left the room, a number of them called out 'Have a nice day' or 'Have a great day'. This small gesture of kindness made a huge impact and speaks volumes about these wonderful young role models. Well done Captains!

Kiri S absent for photo!

National Ride2School

Well done to everyone who gave riding, walking, scooting or skating to school a go on Friday 13 March - approximately 330 BNPS students participated - the Bike Shed was full! We encourage you to keep walking, riding or scooting to school whenever you can - it's a great way to work towards the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity, every day.