Year Level News

Prep 'Who We Are' Unit of Inquiry

The Prep students have been developing knowledge, understanding and skills that they may need to lead healthy, safe and active lives. They have been identifying people and actions that help keep them safe and healthy.



Nurse Nicole, who helps by 'taking care of sick children' and 'looking after kids in sick bay', was thrilled to receive a special visit and some lovely drawings last week! 

Year 1 Science

As part of our Unit of Inquiry ‘How the World Works’, the Year Ones have been learning all about the weather and how it impacts our lives. Over the past few weeks, the students have been taking classes in the Science room and participating in various weather based experiments with Mrs Graham.



The students learnt all about how clouds are formed and put their knowledge into practice by creating their own miniature clouds in a bottle. They also looked into how rain and the sun create rainbows, which involved using light boxes and glass shapes to warp light into rainbows.